Dimasa depan oil food dan komoditis akan tetap jadi primadona karena perbuhan 
cuaca akan banyak banjir dan badai.....siap nimbun dirumah....lalu rumah kena 

kutipan berita dibawah ini tuk ready for the worst beside cuan....

Environment: Intense rainfall due to global warming could raise flood risk

an Sample, The Guardian

Climate scientists have issued a fresh warning over the future risk of
flooding after research showed heavy rainstorms are likely to become
even more intense than predicted.
Rainfall is expected to increase with global warming because the
atmosphere can hold more water as it heats up, but the extent to which
rainfall patterns will change in the future has been unclear.
Writing in the US journal Science, researchers warn regions that are
already vulnerable to flooding will be hit hardest by rainstorms in the
future, and that previous predictions may have underestimated how
intense these rainstorms will be.

(8 August 2008)


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