terima kasih pak Kalipatullah, saya ikut kutip juga dr Bloomberg
Traders Covering Oil $110 Put Options Pressure Futures Lower

By Margot Habiby

Aug. 15 (Bloomberg) -- Options contracts betting that oil will drop
below $110 a barrel in September have more than doubled in price
before expiration today, as oil futures fell to the lowest in three

Options contract writers who have committed to buy the oil at $110 are
selling crude futures today to cover those positions, adding to
futures' declines, said Brad Samples, a commodity analyst for Summit
Energy Inc. in Louisville, Kentucky.

``There's a sizeable amount of open interest at the $110 puts,''
Samples said. ``It's sort of like gravity. You get a gravitational
force pulling prices closer to those levels as options writers get

Open interest on the New York Mercantile Exchange for the September
$110 put contract was 15,116 contracts, or 15.1 million barrels of
oil. That's down from 29,059 contracts last week.

The September $110 puts rose to 20 cents, or $200 a contract, from 8
cents yesterday, as of 11:26 a.m. New York time. One contract is for
1,000 barrels of oil. There were 66 trades recorded, according to data
compiled by Bloomberg.

Crude oil futures for September delivery fell $2.80, or 2.4 percent,
to $112.21 a barrel at 11:53 a.m. on the Nymex. Oil touched $111.34 a
barrel, the lowest since May 1, and has declined 2.6 percent this week. 

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