Tropical Storm Fay floods hundreds of Florida homes

PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. - Emergency crews launched airboats into submerged streets 
Wednesday to rescue central Florida residents trapped by rising floodwaters 
from a stalled Tropical Storm Fay, which soaked the state for a third 
consecutive day

Calling the flooding "catastrophic," Gov. Charlie Crist requested an emergency 
disaster declaration from the federal government to defray rising debris and 
response costs. The White House said the Federal Emergency Management Agency 
was reviewing the request.

Flooding was reported in hundreds of homes in Brevard and St. Lucie counties, 
some by up to 5 feet of standing water. In three towns, rising waters backed up 
sewage systems. It wasn't immediately clear how many residents had been 
displaced or were stranded, but county officials reported making dozens of 

"We can't even get out of our house," said Billie Dayton of Port St. Lucie, as 
waters lapped at her porch. "We're just hoping that it doesn't rain anymore."

The storm could dump 30 inches of rain in some areas of Florida and the 
National Hurricane Center said up to 22 inches had already fallen near 
Melbourne, just south of Cape Canaveral on the state's central Atlantic coast.

By Wednesday evening, the storm's center had moved over the Atlantic Ocean, and 
its winds had picked up speed.

Forecasters expected the storm to strengthen slightly before turning back 
toward the mainland Thursday and hitting Florida for the third time this week. 
But National Hurricane Center meteorologist Corey Walton said it was unlikely 
the storm would gain enough energy over the water to become a hurricane.

The erratic storm first struck Monday in the Florida Keys, then veered out to 
sea before traversing east across the state, briefly strengthening, then 
stalling. For much of Wednesday, the storm barely moved, dumping inches and 
inches of rain over coastal central Florida.

If Fay strikes Florida again as expected, it would be just the fourth storm in 
recorded history to hit the peninsula with tropical storm intensity three 
separate times. The most recent was Hurricane Donna in 1960, said Daniel Brown, 
hurricane specialist at the National Hurricane Center.;_ylt=Aoor4b88mmxZLqh0Rje.pEus0NUE


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