WINA (Antara/DPA): Organisasi negara pengekspor minyak OPEC akhirnya
memutuskan menurunkan kuota produksi minyaknya di tengah penurunan tajam
harga minyak belakangan ini, kata Menteri Energi Aljazair Chakib Khelil,
yang juga ketua konferensi, kepada wartawan pada Rabu pagi.

Kuota produksi akan kembali ke level sayang sama dengan September 2007.

Kuota produksi baru itu, yang tidak mencakup anggota OPEC Angola, Irak
dan Indonesia, akan menjadi 28,8 juta barel per hari (bph), atau turun
sekitar 520.000 barel dari level produksi harian saat ini.(er)
--- In, Setyo Budiantoro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Opec makes surprise cut to oil output
> By Carola Hoyos in Vienna
> Published: September 10 2008 02:40 | Last updated: September 10 2008
> Opec on Wednesday surprised the oil markets by announcing that it
would make a small but symbolic reduction in its output because the oil
cartel views the market as oversupplied.
> Traders had been betting the group, which controls about 40 per cent
of world oil production, would maintain status quo, and at best make
gradual unannounced reductions in its production.
> Instead, Opec, after a five hour session in Vienna, agreed to abide by
the production limit it had set for its members in September 2007. This
would reduce the group’s production by 520,000 barrels per day
over the next 40 days.
> If all members adhered to the cut, Opec production would fall back to
28.8m barrels per day.
> U.S. crude for October delivery was up 54 cents at $103.80 a barrel,
reversing earlier losses of more than $1 a barrel. Crude oil prices on
Tuesday fell below the critical $100 a barrel level for the first time
since April as hurricane Ike shifted its course away from the Gulf of
Mexico and traders bet Opec would leave production unchanged.
> Since jumping to an all-time high of $147.27 in July, the combination
of the slowdown in the global economy, which is damping oil demand, and
higher production from the Opec oil cartel has brought down oil prices
30 per cent.
> Opec said that oil prices had dropped significantly in recent weeks
driven by lower demand especially in developed countries, increased oil
supply, the strengthening of the US dollar, and easing of geopolitical
> “All the foregoing indicates a shift in market sentiment
causing downside risks to the global oil market outlook,” Opec
said in a statement.
> The strengthening of the US dollar against the euro and sterling is
providing a cushion to Opec countries as it means that the barrel's
purchasing power in the eurozone and the UK remains strong.
> The issue of whether to include a call for Opec members to abide by
their quotas, which they had brushed aside when oil prices surged in
July, was hotly debated in the longer-than-usual closed-door meeting.
Iran and Venezuela had earlier in the week called for production cuts,
but others had been less enthusiastic, fearing such a move would worsen
the problem of demand erosion.
> One of the few analysts that called the meeting’s outcome
correctly was Washington-based PFC Energy, which yesterday anticipated a
500,000 barrel a day cut. In a note it said: ”The communique text
will likely focus on the need to abide by agreed-upon production targets
rather than on numerical targets for cuts.”
> Now Opec has the tough task of abiding by what it has agreed. The lion
share of the cutback will have to come from Saudi Arabia, which boosted
its production unilaterally in July when prices were high. If the group
does not now attain at least some of the announced cutbacks, it risks
losing credibility in the market and exasperating the price drop as
traders bet on the cartel’s powerlessness.
> The cut came as a surprise after Ali Naimi, Saudi oil minister,
signalled that he was comfortable with the current supply and demand
> "The market is fairly well balanced and we have worked very hard since
June's meeting to bring prices to where they are now," he said before
the meeting, which was held overnight because of the Ramadan fasting.
> Another Saudi official made clear high prices were not necessarily in
the kingdom's favour. As prices surged this year, Riyadh grew concerned
about demand destruction, especially in the US, Europe and Japan. It was
one reason the kingdom increased output unilaterally to the highest in
more than 25 years.
> Sentiment among Opec ministers has clearly shifted from feeling unable
to pump enough oil to stop runaway prices to concern that supply is
already or is about to outstrip demand as world economies sputter.
> Michael Wittner, head of oil research at Société
Générale, said the cartel might have already begun this month to
trim its output, pointing to "recent weakness in tanker freight rates".
> Igor Sechin, Russia's vice-premier, called for closer co-operation
between Opec and his country in a further sign of Moscow's determination
to flex its muscle in energy markets.
> Mr Sechin, the most senior official from Russia to have attended an
Opec meeting in recent history, called for the two to more closely work
together ”to provide for a stable pricing environment.”
> Russia is an observer member of Opec, meaning it attends meetings but
is excluded from the quota system and policy decisions. The last time
Russia cut its output in solidarity with Opec was in 1999, when Mexico
and Norway also reduced their production to help boost prices that had
fallen to 9 dollars a barrel.
> But today prices are far beyond that point and Russian relations with
Europe and the US are strained, with Washington increasingly concerned
about the Kremlin’s willingness to brandish its oil and gas
production as a diplomatic weapon.
> This latest declaration is likely to add to that concern, even though
Opec has recently held a relatively benign position and become a
reliable supplier of oil to the world for more than two decades.
> Opec also officially suspended Indonesia’s full membership to
the group.
> Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008

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