No.10/43 /PSHM/Humas
Mencermati perkembangan pasar keuangan global yang terjadi beberapa
waktu belakangan ini dan untuk menjaga kecukupan likuiditas di industri
perbankan dengan tetap menjaga efektifitas kebijakan moneter untuk
mengendalikan inflasi, Bank Indonesia memutuskan untuk menurunkan O/N
Repo Rate dari semula BI Rate plus 300 bps menjadi BI Rate plus 100
bps, dan menyesuaikan FASBI Rate dari semula BI Rate minus 200 bps
menjadi BI Rate minus 100 bps. 
Dengan demikian koridor suku bunga O/N akan menjadi simetris dengan BI Rate ± 
100 bps. Penyesuaian ini berlaku efektif sejak 16 September 2008.

Jakarta, 16 September 2008
Direktorat Perencanaan Strategis
dan Hubungan Masyarakat
Dyah N.K. Makhijani
Kepala Biro

----- Original Message ----
From: Aria Bela Nusa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 3:16:47 PM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Indonesia ready to mitigate market turmoil...

UPDATE 1-Indonesia ready to mitigate market turmoil

JAKARTA, Sept 16 (Reuters) - Indonesia's
central bank is ready to take necessary steps to mitigate the turmoil in
domestic financial markets, Bank Indonesia Governor Boediono said on Tuesday. 

Indonesian markets were hit on Tuesday
amid concerns Wall Street's upheaval will cause lasting damage to the global
economy, after Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy, Bank of America agreed to
buy Merrill Lynch and the Federal Reserve expanded its emergency liquidity

"This is a global situation. The
turbulence in the global financial market is because of Lehman and
others," Boediono told reporters. 

"It is as if we are on a boat amidst
stormy seas. We have to stay calm, controlling the boat as best as we can until
the swings subside and we can see a better direction. The point is that our
boat is in a good shape." 

Indonesian stocks plunged as much as 7.4
percent to 1,592.2 points in early trade before recovering slightly to end the
morning session at 1,641.3 points. 

"Whenever needed we will take steps,
right now we are closely monitoring the situation," Boediono said, when asked 
if the central bank would take special steps to mitigate the
current turmoil. 

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono also
urged calm, saying the country's "fundamentals are in a good shape". 

"If we respond to this correctly,
remain calm, with measured policy, I'm confident that we can manage any kind of
economic turbulence -- global or regional," Yudhoyono told a cabinet meeting. 



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