*good plase sell all your stock in bei, i am more than
happy kek..kek...kek :)*

Posted by: "Ratu Sima" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ratuaimee 
Tue Oct 7, 2008 2:05 am (PDT) 
Is it the sign of reversal trend?

It is NOT!

Bush and the to-be Obama's administration are facing
Trilogy of 

The trilogy to cure revolves around:
1. Acute Default Bad Credit Chain Reaction
2. Failure to respond the complicacy with
mis-investing bearing 
3. Sluggishness in re-extracting sectoral alternation
and alignment

Will it take within 2008 alone?


The GREED in credit intakes and Mafia The FED's lousy
policy are 
atomic complicated fallacy.

It is "Evil bears evil" in THE DEVIL'S ADVOCACY LAND.

YET it serves as the lesson for ASIA and Indonesia.

Teach children to be tough, to save money, to work
industriously, and 
to be patient in their ownership undertaking.

The BEAR PHASE can eat out the whole year and 2009.

I make it clear that this is NOT sign of reversal

Will co-ordinated interest cut rate can be the CURE?

NO. It is SIMPLY PAINKILLER to make the bearer
suffering the worst 
when they get aware.



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