*Constant-dollar plan (Dollar Cost Averaging) dari Yahoo Finance*  Method
of purchasing securities <http://biz.yahoo.com/f/g/ss.html#4> by investing a
fixed amount of money at set intervals. The
investor<http://biz.yahoo.com/f/g/ii.html#c5>buys more
shares <http://biz.yahoo.com/f/g/ss.html#bs> when the price is low and fewer
shares <http://biz.yahoo.com/f/g/ss.html#bs> when the price is high, thus
reducing the overall cost.
Gitu pak...:-)
Simple kan?

2008/10/27 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>    Pak Rei,
> Sori nih, gaptek. Tolong jelasin process DCA itu gimana? Saya kebetulan
> incomenya lagi dapet yg gambarnya ijo nih … JJ
> *From:* obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Rei
> *Sent:* Monday, 27 October 2008 1:28 PM
> *To:* obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: [obrolan-bandar] Regional ijo + Milis lagi ngaco
> Hehehe iya boro2 mau jual, mentok kiri semua...DCA aja pak, I did this
> morning.
> Good luck ya...
> 2008/10/27 David Hartanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     Tgl 28-29 Oct 2008 Pak Rei, linknya
> http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/fomccalendars.htm.
> Dasar ga boleh belajar ngeshort, baru mo testing semua mentok AR kiri.
> Kalau lihat begini sepertinya memang mesti hold aja terus, and use DCA
> method. Cape deh
> --- Pada *Sen, 27/10/08, Rei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* menulis:
> Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Regional ijo + Milis lagi ngaco
> Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> Tanggal: Senin, 27 Oktober, 2008, 10:01 AM
> Memang DOMC ntar malam ya pak? Apa masih efektif rate cut? dow fut tadi
> dari 183 tinggal 49
> 2008/10/27 indeks bei3000 <indeksbei3000@ gmail.com<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
>    - Regional Asio Ijo
>   Sekarang sudah MERAH MBAH
> - DJI Fut Plus
>   Bule lagi GAMBLING. Ngarepin Bernanke Cut Fed Rate lagi
> - Posting pada ilang dan bisa muncul besoknya ..
>   Yahoo mau Lay Off, jadi kekurangan orang ngurus milis OB.
>   Banyak banget Post di OB
> :)
> 2008/10/27, jsx_consultant <jsx-consultant@ centrin.net. id<[EMAIL 
> Regional ijo + Milis lagi ngaco
> - Regional Asia ijo, DJI future plus...
> - Posting pada ilang dan bisa muncul besoknya...
> Medan perang bursa makin 'PANAS', tapi hati harus adem...
>  ------------------------------
> Coba Yahoo! Messenger 9.0 baru
> <http://sg.rd.yahoo.com/sg/messenger/maxwell/*http:/id.messenger.yahoo.com/>Akhirnya
> datang juga!

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