The best traders I know are really quite brilliant, and they all work
very hard - much harder than anyone else. By the way, when I talk about
working hard, I mean commitment and focus: it has nothing to do with
how many hours you spend in the office. These traders have tremendous
commitment to the markets - to their craft so to speak. They develop
scenarios, reevaluate scenarios, collect information and reevaluate
that information. - BILL LIPSCHUTZ

We all go through periods
when we’re out of sync with market. When I’m doing things correctly, I
tend to expand my rate of involvement in the market. Conversely, when I
start losing, I cut back my position size. The idea is to lose as
little as possible while you’re in a losing streak. Once you take a big
hit, you’re always on the defensive. In all the months I lost money, I
always ended up trading small - sometimes trading as little as 1
percent of the account. - VICTOR SPERANDEO

You have to be able
to think clearly and act decisively in a panic market. The markets that
go wild are the ones with the best opportunity. Traditionally, what
happens in a market that goes berserk is that even veteran traders will
tend to stand aside. That’s your opportunity to make the money. - MARK

Trade infrequently and only when you have a strong
idea. Trade the opposite side of the predominant news stories. Time
your trade to coincide with an event that has the potential to lead to
a panic climax. These are my three rules for directional trading. -

Kind Regards,



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