Zero Rate World May Lie Ahead as King, Trichet Cut (Update2)

By Simon Kennedy and Craig Torres

 Nov. 7 (Bloomberg) -- The age of free money may be at hand.

As major central banks slash interest rates with unexpected speed,
benchmark borrowing costs are now below core inflation for the first
time since the early 1980s, and policy makers are signaling they will
go deeper.

Yesterday's cuts by the Bank of England and European Central Bank,
which came with the Federal Reserve and Bank of Japan on the cusp of
zero rates, are a bid to shock life back into their recessionary
economies and strained money markets. It may be an uphill battle as
consumers and businesses show greater interest in saving than
spending, and banks hoard capital rather than lend it.

``It's the race to zero,'' said Stewart Robertson, an economist at
Aviva Investors Ltd. in London, which manages about $230 billion.
``There's no obstacle to more rate cuts.''

The U.K. central bank led by Governor Mervyn King yesterday axed its
benchmark rate to 3 percent, the lowest level since 1955. The
reduction of 1.5 percentage points was the biggest in 16 years. The
ECB followed with its second half-point cut in a month, to 3.25
percent, and President Jean-Claude Trichet declined to rule out
further moves south.

The action in Europe, which extended to reductions in the Czech
Republic, Switzerland and Denmark, followed decisions last week by the
Fed to drop its key rate to 1 percent, matching the lowest in a
half-century, and the Bank of Japan to cut to 0.3 percent in its first
paring in seven years. The central bank of South Korea today cut its
benchmark for a third time in a month.

Harsher Blows

Monetary policy is being eased because the 15-month credit crisis is
inflicting harsher blows to growth and inflation than central bankers
anticipated just two months ago. Yesterday the International Monetary
Fund cut its month-old forecast for next year's global expansion to
2.2 percent from 3 percent, and predicted the first contraction in
advanced economies since it was created in 1945. It estimated prices
would rise just 1.4 percent in rich nations, less than half of this
year's pace.

The conundrum for central banks is their rate cuts may still not be
packing a punch, even on top of record injections of cash and a
willingness to accept lower-rated collateral for their loans.

One reason: credit markets remain fragile, indicating financial
institutions are still conserving cash after recording losses and
writedowns of about $691 billion. The London interbank offered rate
for three-month loans fell to 2.39 percent yesterday from 4.82 percent
on Oct. 10. The record drop still leaves Libor 139 basis points above
the Fed's benchmark, compared with an average of 22 basis points in
the five years before the global credit crisis began in August 2007.

Problems `Severe'

``The problems in money markets are still quite severe,'' said Dario
Perkins, an economist at ABN Amro Holding NV in London. ``Market rates
are above where central banks have their rates, and that's alarming

At the same time, companies and consumers are retrenching in the face
of slowing growth and tighter credit. In the U.S., Cisco Systems Inc.,
the top maker of networking equipment, is forecasting the first
revenue drop in five years because of the financial crisis. Across the
Atlantic, Luxembourg-based ArcelorMittal, the world's biggest
steelmaker, this week said diminished demand is forcing it to double
production cuts.

Automakers and retailers are among the companies being battered by a
collapse in consumer demand. In Japan, Toyota Motor Corp., the world's
second-largest, yesterday forecast the biggest drop in profit in at
least 18 years. Macy's Inc., Target Corp. and Gap Inc. all posted
October sales declines in the U.S.

Another Complication

Another complication for central banks is that some financial
institutions are proving averse to passing on lower rates to
borrowers. HSBC Holdings Plc, Barclays Plc and HBOS Plc are among U.K.
mortgage lenders that have still to decide whether to follow the Bank
of England's rate cut by paring their own standard variable rates. In
the euro-area, banks yesterday deposited a record 297.4 billion euros
overnight with the ECB rather than lend it elsewhere.

``We expect the banking sector to make its contribution to restore
confidence,'' Trichet said yesterday.

The combination of cautious banks and reluctant spenders is forcing
central banks to cut interest rates below inflation. JPMorgan Chase &
Co. calculates borrowing costs adjusted for underlying inflation in
developed markets fell below zero last month for the first time since
the early 1980s and are still declining.

`Too Early'

Central banks are betting that negative real interest rates will
induce people to spend rather than save money that is declining in
value, economists said. The strategy also aims to jolt investors and
banks into seeking higher yields by making riskier long-term loans.

``It's clear you need to have interest rates that are lower than
inflation going forward,'' said Jan Amrit Poser, chief economist at
Bank Sarasin in Zurich. ``Central banks are rushing to get interest
rates down.''

Still, it's ``far too early'' to talk about zero interest rates
throughout the industrial world, given inflation expectations remain
positive, says Jim O'Neill, chief economist at Goldman Sachs Group
Inc. in London.

``People should be wary of rushing to shift the debate from inflation
to deflation,'' he said.

Rapid rate cuts are intended to avoid the fate of Japan, which endured
a decade-long slump after its asset bubble burst in 1990 in part
because its central bank was ``initially too timid and too slow to
react,'' economists at Deutsche Bank AG said in a report yesterday.

Policy Makers

As rates fall further, central banks will have to consider less
conventional steps to cushion their economies. Among them: making a
public commitment to keep rates low, and lowering long- term borrowing
by pumping large amounts of cash into banks with direct purchases of
government securities.

The debate over what comes next could begin at the Fed as soon as Dec.
16, when policy makers next meet amid expectations for another
quarter-point cut.

``We've got a global deflationary environment now and central banks
will have to respond,'' said Stuart Thomson, who helps oversee $46
billion in bonds at Resolution Investment Management.

To contact the reporters on this story: Simon Kennedy in Paris at
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Craig Torres in Washington at

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