
This is a PHP 8 incompatibility.

You can manually change count() to safe_empty() in includes/discovery/sensors/old-dnos-boxservices-private-mib.inc.php on lines 14 and 15

This is already fixed in the current versions, though.


mosdvas via observium wrote on 30/11/2023 14:03:


After the last update i'm experiencing a bug on the discovery on an old switch.

This is a Dell PowerConnect 3448. :

    Vendor/Hardware     Dell PowerConnect 3448
    Operating system     Dell PowerConnect (FastPath)

The bug appeared in this CE version, until now the info feedback was correct.

The SNMP poller seem ok.

Can you help me with this problem?

Here's the error dump :

#####  Module Start: sensors  #####

 o POWER-ETHERNET-MIB   pethMainPseOperStatus []
Oops! Something went wrong! You may want to report this to the Observium developers.

count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given in /var/www/observium/includes/discovery/sensors/old-dnos-boxservices-private-mib.inc.php:14

Stack trace:

#0: (unknown function) called at [/var/www/observium/includes/discovery/sensors/old-dnos-boxservices-private-mib.inc.php:14]
9: * @subpackage     discovery
10: * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2023 Observium Limited
11: *
12: */
14: if (count($valid['sensor']['temperature']['DNOS-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB']) ||
15: count($valid['sensor']['power']['DNOS-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB'])) {
16: // Exit from discovery, since already added valid sensors by DNOS-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB 17: // Note, DNOS-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB and OLD-DNOS-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB are crossed
19: return;

#1: include called at [/var/www/observium/includes/include-dir-mib.inc.php:32]
28: if (is_file($inc_file)) {
29: print_cli_data_field("$mib ");
31: $inc_start  = microtime(TRUE); // MIB timing start
32: $inc_status = include($inc_file);
33: echo(PHP_EOL);
35: if ($include_lib && is_file($inc_dir . '.lib.php')) {
36: // separated functions include, for exclude fatal redeclare errors
37: include_once($inc_dir . '.lib.php');

#2: include called at [/var/www/observium/includes/discovery/sensors.inc.php:52]
47: }
48: }
50: // Run sensor discovery scripts (also discovers state sensors as status entities)
51: $include_dir = "includes/discovery/sensors";
52: include($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/include-dir-mib.inc.php");
54: // Run status-specific discovery scripts
55: $include_dir = "includes/discovery/status";
56: include($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/include-dir-mib.inc.php");

#3: include called at [/var/www/observium/includes/discovery/functions.inc.php:870]
865: $GLOBALS['module_stats'][$module] = [];
866: $valid[$module]                   = [];
868: print_cli_heading("Module Start: %R" . $module);
870: include("includes/discovery/$module.inc.php");
872: $m_end                                    = utime();
873: $GLOBALS['module_stats'][$module]['time'] = round($m_end - $m_start, 4);
874: print_module_stats($device, $module);
875: echo(PHP_EOL);

#4: discover_device called at [/var/www/observium/discovery.php:216]
212: foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `disabled` = 0 $where ORDER BY `last_discovered_timetaken` ASC", $params) as $device) {
213: // Additional check if device SNMPable, because during
214: // discovery many devices (long time), the some device can be switched off
215: if ($options['h'] === 'new' || is_snmpable($device)) {
216: discover_device($device, $options);
217: } else {
218: $string = "Device '" . $device['hostname'] . "' skipped, because switched off during runtime discovery process.";
219: print_debug($string);
220: logfile($argv[0] . ": $string");
221: }

Florian Isolet
AS42929 - FI1735-RIPE
LIGNE DIRECTE 05 18 10 18 12

artefact-groupe.fr <https://www.artefact-groupe.fr>

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