I agree with the non-ex-South Africans who have not yet ascended to a
higher plane. First, aseptic, stagnant, socially moribund Europe
(where I presume our enlightened pundit is dropping pearls of wisdom
on us from) is not all it's cracked up to be. I will not roll
statistics (you can always spot a sot - the more statistics quoted,
the more profound the sottishness), but Europe has its own minorities,
getting bigger; plus, it's just a matter of time before there are more
terrorist attacks. Europe is doing down man - get out before it's too

Further, their (Europeans') conceit is based solely on their wealth
(much of which was historically made thro the rape & plunder of
Africa), the supposed proof that they've "got it together" - but that
is coming crashing down now. To hearten all the South Africans reading
this newsgroup, & to confound the loud-mouth on the other side, an
interesting article:


To close, a word from a great S African Statesman, Jan Smuts:

"It is the history of this country that inclines us to optimism. South
Africa has passed through dark and difficult passages in her history:
more than once she has stood face to face with stark disaster. For
generations she has been tried and tested as perhaps no other young
country of our day has been tested, but a kind of Providence has never
quite forsaken her. Here we have seen how in a nation’s story good
comes out of evil; how goodwill in the end smooths out the tangles and
mistakes; how an era of construction follows the destruction and the
bitter struggles of races and of war. It is this experience that has
given us faith in human nature, and makes us believe that whatever the
future may bring, we shall not utterly fail. History, sunshine,
religion, all combine to make South Africans optimists on the whole."

To A Stuit - keep your sodden, cloudy lump of earth. However, to the
others who have suggested this person should be banned, I totally
disagree: debate is good, & however self-satisfied or self-
congratulatory a person is, so long as there is no personal
aggression, vulgarity, no commercialism, etc., we would be destroying
the integrity of the group were we not to allow everyone to voice
their opinion.

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