Dear Kris,

Thanks for your feedback.

I have lived in Obs for ten years and only recently joined the newly
reformed Observatory Neighbourhood Watch (ONW). I have been impressed by
the commitment I have seen from OBSID, OCA, OPS, SAPS and the ONW members.
It is inspiring to see so many people trying to make a difference in our
community and I applaud you all.

I attended a the "Broken Windows" presentation the other night, presented
by Charl Viljoen of the City of Cape Town at a special ONW meeting. Again I
was inspired by what the city is doing to improve our safety and quality of
life. The basic message was that if we  attend to the smaller issues in our
community then the more serious criminals will also be discouraged (We will
hopefully be running this seminar again soon and I will definitely
encourage everyone to attend). Thanks to OBSID for reporting the these
smaller issues to the City on our behalf and and for following up until
they are resolved. Again, I have always been impressed by the response when
I take the time to report something as an issue.

I agree that as residents we cannot sit back and expect two OBSID patrol
vehicles and one SAPS vehicle to keep us safe. They rely on us as their
eyes and ears and have always responded quickly and effectively whenever I
have reported anything. We seem to have a very keen SAPS sector commander
at the moment who, with support from the rest of us, has made real progress
in reducing crime in Lower Main Road of late. I'm sure with the right
support from the community we will start noticing a real difference
throughout Observatory.

I look forward to meeting you and your team soon. Thanks for your efforts
thus far.


Steve Killick

On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 7:06 PM, edwin angless <>

> Dear Fellow Observatorians
> Two things:
>    - To reduce all criime in Obs to zero would require a camera at each
>    intersection and a Metro Cop/SAPS at each corner 24/7/365. Installation and
>    "maintenance" of  the optimum number of cameras and hiring LE's (law
>    enforcement officers as per the metro cop inititiative of JP Smith's
>    current plan cost R235,000 per annum each!) will easily extend to many
>    millions of rands per annum. Much more than any CID can afford. for eg
>    there are 32kms of road in Obs - if you employed 10 LEs at 3kms of road
>    each it would cost R2,350,000 p.a  add to that 127 camers ie R4,318,000 and
>    the personnel to manage the cameras and two patrol vehicles and managers to
>    manage all the staff and ....well it can add up to R9,500,000 pa - which
>    equates to R3,166 per rateable property per month in the set up year and
>    R2,330 rands per month per rateable property in subsequent years with a 7%
>    annual escalation. (Only SAPS,Metro Cops and Metro Cop Reservists have
>    powers of arrest - "security companies" dont. SAPS only has "stop - n
>    search" powers)
>    - Does the Public Safety Patrol: Two vehicles24/7/365/Security
>    Manager/ 2 foot patrollers 24/7/365,/Control Room and 10(2) Cameras and the
>    monthly "operations" with Law Enforcement/SAPS/Metro Cops etc make a
>    difference? OBSID has asked that question several times and increasingly so
>    since October 2014. Its not possible to quantify in absolute terms.
>    Conditions and circumstances have altered and changed since inception
>    (2009). And OBSID is changing the structure of its  "public patrolling and
>    vigilance" effort at this time in an attempt to more effectively manage the
>    "open spaces"
> Currently we pay R175,000 per month (cost to property owners of R58 each)
> for this service - a Public Safety Patrol structure - which has a presence
> but is limited - ie to what we can afford and by legislation. R2.1million
> is expended on "public safety" which is by far the biggest item in the
> total budget which is well under R4million.  The OBSID cannot provide
> "security" to each individual property. That is an inaccurate perception.
> And one of the "over promises" that grew out of  heightened expectations
> which arose quite naturally during the set up of the OBSID - and by the
> allegedly questionable success  VETUS SCHOLA had persuading "car guards"
> and others (their contract was subsequently cancelled)to depart the
> neighbourhood during their first term as service providor. But it would be
> rash to remove public safety patrols because of "perceptions". Crime in Obs
> dropped dramatically after the start of the patrols. I remember a month
> that the SAPS at a meeting said there were 60 car break ins in Obs - prior
> to the OBSID era.
> OBSID is instituting a plan to bring public safety management in house and
> enhance its reporting and follow-up to and with the legal operating
> structures ie SAPS/METRO/LAW Enforcement. This will include other social
> initiatives. A strong and vibrant ONW is very important for a neighbourhood
> with the demographics and physical elements of Observatory. 32kms of roads.
> 3000x residential/commercial/business properties - a station, busy main
> road,  and a major government hospital all in a small area close to the
> city centre etc. The demise of the small but dedicated ONW post the set up
> of the OBSID was unfortunate and showed I think how people thought the
> public safety patrol would clear crime in Obs.
> Currently the average property is paying R105 per month for OBSID top up
> services. This includes cleaning - 4 cleaners remove between 400 to 800
> bags of refuse each week from the streets, Social Upliftment - a social
> auxiliary worker provides meal vouchers, assistance (with pension
> applications, grants - ID books, night shelter beds etc) for indigent
> homeless and substance compulsives alike. Infrastructure management - 400x
> incident/issues/requests have been reported to the CCC since October last
> year and over 200x have been attended to. Environment and gardens - much
> work has and is being done to plant gardens and make compost and support
> recycling initiatives by the OBSID.
> I think that at the cost on average of R4.00 per day the return is very
> very good for property owners. And there is a possibilty more to come, if
> more competent people will volunteer to serve.
> *The OBSID relies on the efforts of a volunteer committee to steer the
> efforts of the SRA (OBSID is an SRA) - it is after all a social upliftment
> and self empowerment initiative.*
> The early OBSID start up energy was provided by people who, even if they
> didnt like it accepted that the city and other service providers who are
> funded by rates and taxes lack capacity to provide acceptable service
> levels - and stepped up and decided together the Improvement District route
> is a viable model to move to creating our own acceptable levels of service.
> We moved from anxiety, frustration and anger to action.
> *OBSID needs more people to step up and bolster the board and committees.
> There is much to be done.*
> *We need energy, expertise and creativity and a can do attitude.*
> Warm Regards,
> Kris Marais
>   Obsid Chair
> On 09 Jun 2015, at 1:42 PM, Fairuz Mullagee <> wrote:
> The safety and freedom of our wonderful suburb is once again being
> compromised, even during the day. In parts of Obs, the streets are teeming
> with layabouts with a ‘don’t care’ attitude openly making deals on their
> phones.
> The Whatsapp street groups is a great idea. But that is what we do as
> active citizens. Sadly, we need more than that, which is the very reason
> for the existence of the OBSID. We need active security patrols by
> competent security personnel. We also need more effective communication
> networks.
> We’ve got to take back control of our neighbourhood!
> Led by the OBSID and Civic Association, let’s assemble at the Village
> Green, and walk through the streets proclaiming our space as a drug-free
> and crime free zone. And let us make this presence felt on a regular basis.
> Fairuz Mullagee
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [
> <>]
> Sent: 09 June 2015 12:39 PM
> To:
> Cc:;
> Subject: Re: [obsnw] Fwd: Observatory
> Exactly two years ago, I came under heavy fire from both Obsid and the
> community for broadcasting my complaints over how dangerous and dirty our
> suburb had become. I know of numerous homeowners that have since fled Obs
> for safer pastures and I am not surprised.
> Thank Heavens for the likes of Brian Amery, Barrie Terblanche, Mark Berry
> and so so many others, or Obs would be in a far worse state than it is at
> the moment.
> One of the things that is going to turn the tide is an active
> Neighbourhood Watch. Although there has been great interest by a small
> handful in getting this going again, we need the help of the rest of you.
> If each household or business could simply take responsibility for their
> own piece of street and sidewalk, that would already be a great start.
> Something that is working in James street - and elsewhere with great
> success - is the starting of a street group which stays connected by
> Whatsapp. This is showing many benefits on many levels and is a good start
> to getting our community connected to one another again.
> Yes we pay the City and Obsid for services and I am sure that we will all
> feel  that we should be getting or seeing more value for our money in some
> way or another, but I feel that as individuals we can also become willing
> to roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty - where and when we can.
> Stan van Rensburg
> Original email:
> -----------------
> From: Rosemary Robins
> Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2015 12:05:31 +0200
> To:
> Subject: Re: [obsnw] Fwd: Observatory
> No, do not bring back Vetus Schola - sleeping on duty and drug
> dealing......................
> I still believe that the removal of street patrollers by the OBSID board
> has much to do with the current issues.  As I have said repeatedly, when I
> complained I was shot down in flames.  I continue to pay my levies but with
> less service, some areas gained extra benefits at others expense.
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 11:00 AM, Annemarie du Bois <>
> wrote:
> > I am in total agreement here.     OBS has become a very unsafe place to
> > live in , since our current security company took over .  Prior to
> > that , we had a fantastic reduction of crime  with Vetus Schola , and I
> say ,
> > bring them back !      Our rights are being grossly affected by the lack
> of
> > action and patrol , which is after all what we pay for .
> >
> >
> >
> > Our cars had to stand in the street  for a few  nights and I had to
> > rent a private guard to keep watch , as it was cheaper for me to do
> > than having our vehicles broken into or stolen , with all the
> > inconvenience  and expense that goes with that.
> >
> >
> >
> > Just reading each day of the many incidences  of crime and grime,  is
> > hair raising to say the least.  !
> >
> >
> >
> > *From:* [
> <>] *On
> > Behalf Of *Eden musampa wa kanba
> > *Sent:* 09 June 2015 09:52 AM
> > *To:*
> > *Subject:* Re: [obsnw] Fwd: Observatory
> >
> >
> >
> > Good day I m very concern about what is taking place in Observatory
> > because OBZ used to be a much safer place to be, but now its seem like
> > it the most targeted area of all. Each and every day there is a new
> > complaint of either armed robbery or car stolen, which is very arising
> > on a daily basis .
> >
> > Its no longer safe to leave your car out-side your place , because its
> > either being broken in or taken ....
> >
> > My question is where is the presence of the patrol contractor that
> > seem to be chilling in the office and mobile office and making use of
> > the vain for they shopping purposes  instead of patrolling ?
> >
> > It is might seem to be a small problem but on a daily basis this
> > matter is getting a highest level therefore. is there a way of
> > bringing safety in observatory please , personally I have measures
> > that might be useful for this task but I m pleading with you all to
> > come up with something
> strategic
> > that might secure the life of our elderly mothers being targeted and
> > sisters as vulnerable victim.
> >
> >
> > Eden Musampa
> >
> > AIS D.Chairperson (Association of International Students)
> >
> > Room 4.33 Student Centre
> >
> > Office Number :0214603926
> >
> > Cellphone       :0780539110 / 0817539032
> >
> > Email   
> >
> >            
> >
> > Website
> >
> > Cape town Campus
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 9:15 AM, Nodi Murphy <> wrote:
> >
> > Thank you Paddy, for your swift response.
> > I shall take a turn about your office soon.
> > No, I don't want to join any Board. I've spent 21 years running an NGO
> > and have had my fill of quorums!
> > best
> > Nodi
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Dear Nodi,
> >
> > I assist Councillor Herron. The Ward office is in the Observatory
> > Community Centre on the first floor. There is a free phone to Council
> > outside the office as well. The number at the office is 0214479630.
> > Naazneen is the PA who will answer the phone.
> >
> >
> >
> > You can use 0860103089 to report your waste problems.
> >
> >
> >
> > At present Obsid is restructuring. A new Operations Manager will be
> > announced soon. I believe that the Security Company that is currently
> > contracted is coming to the end of its contract and the tender will be
> open
> > to renegotiation. I am of the opinion that nothing curbs crime better
> > than bobbies on the beat but that is an operational matter for the Board.
> >
> >
> >
> > I will say that our relationship with Woodstock SAPS has taken a turn
> > for the better with the appointment of Constable Berry as our Sector
> Commander.
> > He is hardworking and responsive. However you probably have his number
> > via the ONW page.
> >
> >
> >
> > You seem passionate about Obs. If possible I would suggest that you
> > join either the Obs Civic or the Obscid Board. Councillor Herron
> > regularly appears at both bodies.
> >
> >
> >
> > Paddy Chapple
> >
> > 0835300265
> >
> >
> >
> > *From:* [
> <>
> > <>] *On Behalf Of *Nodi Murphy
> > *Sent:* 08 June 2015 11:00 PM
> > *To:* Veronica Paulse; Yvette Coetzee; ONW;
> > *Subject:* [obsnw] Fwd: Observatory
> >
> >
> >
> > *Subject: *
> >
> > Observatory
> >
> > *Date: *
> >
> > Mon, 08 Jun 2015 22:57:02 +0200
> >
> > *From: *
> >
> > Nodi Murphy <> <>
> >
> > *To: *
> >
> >,
> >
> >
> >
> > Mr Herron,
> > you are the ward Councillor for my area, Observatory. However I see
> > from the website, wherein I found your address, that you have many CT
> > suburbs under your remit. You must be a busy man.
> >
> > I have recently joined the Observatory Neighbourhood Watch (ONW) and
> > am a subscriber to both the ONW WhatsApp and URGENT group. I rue the
> > day. It never stops!
> >
> > Mine was a quiet life - only 4 attempts to steal my car (a Nissan
> > 1400, very popular) and some R4,000 to replace locks (doors, ignition
> > and gear
> > lock) all told. And then there was that time that I had to relay 16
> > bricks that had been prised out of my driveway to support my
> > neighbours' car when all four wheels were stolen... That's over a 4
> > year period. Not much to complain about, really. I haven't been
> > accosted at my front door, as was
> my
> > other neighbour a year ago. Well, not yet.
> >
> > So, back to the ONW... it is a litany of woes. I used to have a quiet
> > life, but now I am privy to every disaster (an elderly woman held up
> > at knife point in her bed only yesterday in the block opposite the
> > swimming pool, a young woman being held up at knife point outside her
> > house at 5pm today in Bellevliet - still light, you understand - to
> > mention only 2 recent incidents) that happen in the streets around me on
> a daily basis.
> We
> > ONW members are talking about funding some kind of 'response' team
> > walking our streets every day and night. Neither the City nor the
> > "improvement district", to which I contribute (without choice, you
> > understand) R106.16
> a
> > month, are managing the situation.
> >
> > Then there's my bin. I put it out every Monday. My street (Duke) is
> > narrow, so the rubbish men drag the bins to either end of the street,
> > sometimes emptying the one into the other so as to drag fewer bins.
> > It's random, but from time to time my bin is ignored, or passed over
> > by
> mistake,
> > or...
> > I receive my rates bill with monotonous regularity. I'd really like my
> > rubbish to be removed at the same pace... It takes precious time and
> humour
> > out of my day to call the City to say 'I'm not feeling the love... the
> love
> > I pay for.. "
> >
> > I recycle, the amount I put out of a week is small, but I want it
> > taken away - when I put it out. I call the City... they'll send out a
> > truck to fetch my rubbish. Really?! One whole truck to fetch just my
> > overlooked rubbish? How ridiculous! It's that, or I must contact the
> > waste disposal unit myself to ask them to remember my bin...I pay a
> > bill to the City, why should I now have to spend my time and the cost
> > of another call (no doubt as lengthy as the call to the City as I
> > listen to 'your call is important to us, we are experiencing high
> volumes of calls..' for 15 minutes...).
> > I recycle.. I *pay* for my paper and some plastic to fetched from my
> > doorstep to be recycled weekly, and other plastic goes for the
> > eco-brick project run by Montebello, so I have little in my bin. Can I
> > negotiate and pay for a bi-monthly removal? Once a month, perhaps? No.
> All or nothing!
> > That being so, I'd like my bin to be emptied... every week.
> >
> > Surely you have an office of sorts in this Ward. Where is it? When are
> > you here? Do you hold clinics for your constituents? When are those
> > times? I would like to be sent the schedule of when you are in the
> neighbourhood.
> >
> > Faithfully,
> > Nodi Murphy
> > 15 Duke Street
> > Observatory 7925.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > OPS [Obsid Public Safety] - 24/7 control room
> >
> > TEL: 021-447-1066 or 072-063-1653
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > EMERGENCIES: 10111
> >
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> > ONW email:
> > WEB:
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> >
> > EMERGENCIES: 10111
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> > ONW email:
> > WEB:
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> > EMERGENCIES: 10111
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> >
> > --
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> > TEL: 021-447-1066 or 072-063-1653
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> > EMERGENCIES: 10111
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> ...
> [Message clipped]

Steve Killick
Cell 084 447 5544

OPS [Obsid Public Safety] - 24/7 control room 

TEL: 021-447-1066   or   072-063-1653


ONW email:
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