We were woken by a burglar at 05:30 this morning  The beam alarm
didn't go off for some reason.

I chased them out of the house, but I lost my laptop and got seven
stab wounds as a reward - mainly on my left arm, with one feeble nick
on my chest..

I was nicely patched up at the Kingsbury, so, after an operartion to
fix a tendon in my hand, I'll be OK.. It was very painful, but that
has been sorted out too.

Thank you very much to the delightful man from Obs Watch.. I didn't
get his name, but he called the ambulance and police, and was
extremely kind and helpful to us.

The Police and paramedics were really helpful .. They took a while to
come, but that was our fault: Tip: make sure you have all the numbers
handy, not just on your 'phone (they stole that)..

There were two black guys, one about 5:8 & bald..The other was the
look out small and, maybe 14-15..

The special forensic cleaners did a brilliant job, there was a lot of 

the police took lots of fingerpfrints and there are some very clear
footprints. So I hope they will be caught..

stolen: Diamind wedding ring,Macbook Pro, iPhone 5c -- maybe a few other 

They used wire cutters to cut through our burglar guards..

Anyone who knows who the Obswatch
 gentleman is, please let us know . We would like to thank him personally.

By the way the paramedic in the ambulance thought she had got it
wrong, when she heard that there was a stabbing in Observatory; "you
just don't get cal outs for stabbings in Observatory" she said.

OPS [Obsid Public Safety] - 24/7 control room 

TEL: 021-447-1066   or   072-063-1653


ONW email: o...@obs.org.za
WEB: www.obswatch.org.za
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/obswatch
Other Useful Obs Numbers: obs.org.za/obsdir

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