While some may feel the reality is sad, its not true that the criminals have 
more rights than we do!

We just need to assert our rights in an appropriate way and accept that 
criminals will always have an advantage if they are left to their own devices. 

We need to stop seeing ourselves as victims and  use the power we do have to 
change the unfortunate negativity that many are trapped in. 
Our whole society needs to get over this social failing, lack of parental 
upbringing, lack and waste of opportunity and unjust oppression that should no 
longer be an excuse!
Its time we take constructive joint action and fix this complex problem than 
requires lots of effort and good leadership on every level of our society and 
we have the power to influence that.

Lets take appropriate steps together.

From: Annemarie du Bois 
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2015 10:03 PM
To: obsnw@googlegroups.com 
Subject: RE: [obsnw] Lower Obs (other side of the Railways) very concerned

So true.  This is the sad reality  of the so called new SA !  


From: obsnw@googlegroups.com [mailto:obsnw@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of 
Sent: 28 June 2015 01:36 PM
To: obsnw@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [obsnw] Lower Obs (other side of the Railways) very concerned



By now you should know the conditions we live in does not favor all of us, 
'society' has made sure of that.....also, as we know - the 'criminal' element 
has more rights than 'we' do. 
You read about it everyday, where one can't defend oneself against intruders, 
hijackers, and so on, without the BIG risk of going to prison yourself. 
The law abiding citizen walks with one foot on a banana peel and the other in 
prison. . . . .unless you have millions for a good lawyer, and then still there 
would be the risk of prison.
Hens the lack of ordinary people (most of us) wanting to get involved in 

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!


From: "Marc Turok" <marctu...@telkomsa.net> 

Sender: obsnw@googlegroups.com 

Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2015 13:23:40 +0200

To: <obsnw@googlegroups.com>

ReplyTo: obsnw@googlegroups.com 

Subject: Re: [obsnw] Lower Obs (other side of the Railways) very concerned


Thanks, Paddy for all you do!


But, In the meantime the river is being destroyed with huge amounts of litter 
yet again and the crime threat remains, not to mention the natural inducement 
to follow these pioneer naturalists and settle on this pristine and convenient 

Who has been tracking the patterns and why does it take so long to “interview”. 
What alternatives are offered?

The statement does not make sense to me, as yet:  ‘Only if they refuse the 
offer  (of accommodation) can the camps be dismantled and removed”?  Surely 
they are illegal, yet can only be moved when  alternative accommodation is 

Surely only if alternative accommodation is accepted then their belongings and 
shelter can be moved. If not, it should still be possible to charge suspects or 
the accused with crime or by-law infringement? These do not seem to be 
permanent or semi-permanent homes needing an order of the court to be 
demolished and occupants.

If I park my car or cart on a yellow line I will get a spot-fine and could be 
towed away. Surely the law is clear on the illegality of moving into the river 
zone and criminal activities need to be stopped without delay, while also being 
humane and protecting the vulnerable from abuse, ensuring they get what they 
deserve in having shelter from the elements.


Are you saying that if they agree to take the offer (of accommodation) that  
their camps can not be dismantled? This does not make sense to me!

There have been camps built and people squatting and littering all year. Why 
should this only be the second time that dismantling is attempted? Why is it 
not a weekly inspection and response or if not every second week? Why wait till 
the horse has bolted and the river is clogged up again?



From: Patrick Chapple 

Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2015 12:34 PM

To: obsnw@googlegroups.com 

Subject: RE: [obsnw] Lower Obs (other side of the Railways) very concerned



No removals can take place without interviewing the squatters ( even if they 
are returnees) and alternatives offered. Only if they refuse the offer can the 
camps be dismantled and removed. I believe the first process has been completed 
and the camps will be dismantled. This is the second time this year.



From: obsnw@googlegroups.com [mailto:obsnw@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Marc 
Sent: 28 June 2015 09:08 AM
To: obsnw@googlegroups.com; Paddy Chapple
Subject: Re: [obsnw] Lower Obs (other side of the Railways) very concerned


Dear Cncllr Paddy Chapple,

I believe I may need to withdraw what I wrote in response to your post, 25 
June, which I seem to have misinterpreted???

You wrote: ‘I received an attack from an organisation called Ground up via 
Facebook for removing the encampments along the Liesbeek”. .. “There might be 
one or two innocent homeless amongst the 6 camps I removed. Let me tell 
everyone the reality. I personally went done there...”.

I clearly read into it as a current report. I took it as this has just been 
done and done with full care and diligence, offering alternative accommodation: 
Shelter offered for the “innocent”.. and those showing evidence of criminal 
activity and by law transgression, were charged for that and taken into 

Oh! I did not get it right, since I thought this was done recently! 


I did not notice until yesterday, when I went for a walk along the river and 
saw that the stated intent had not been followed through recently and the 
required speed and due diligence has not reappeared YET!


I now see that you had said: “I am going to raid the two new camps that have 
sprung up along the Liesbeek since the last raid.”  (NOT SURE WHY its stated as 
“I” rather that the ‘appropriate authority’ will be called to...sort out this 
huge problem for Observatory. 

I had given you credit, personally, for acting responsibility, when appropriate 
action has actually not yet been taken!


I am reinstating my wish list point number 18, on behalf of OCA, intended to 
urgently get the job in addressing crime and transgression of bylaws, done 
correctly and humanely.

Its essential that those transgressing, are removed without further delay, 
while providing appropriate alternative temporary shelter, especially for the 
‘possibly innocent or uninformed’, in the middle of winter, and giving it 
urgent attention!  


Clearly criminals should be charged and those transgressing should be dealt 
with correctly. Is there a better solution that can be made available?


Yesterday, I saw many shelters and a huge amount of dumped litter around them 
and elsewhere, waiting to be washed into the river, not to mention all the 
other negative impact concerns!


Lets set up appropriate solutions urgently! 

For those critical of the action in the past....Better solutions should be 
heard if there are any. 



Marc Turok 


From: Patrick Chapple 

Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 7:35 PM

To: obsnw@googlegroups.com 

Subject: RE: [obsnw] Lower Obs (other side of the Railways) very concerned


Thank you Paul,

But this is done by the book. First the Social workers. The Obscid Social 
Worker Kenneth Roan is outstanding. Those that wish shelter are taken there. 
But if that offer is refused, then the camps are removed. Obs as a community 
works really hard at rehabilitation and re integration. The Apartheid days are 
over. But there is certainly a crime nest operating out of the camps along the 

Paddy Chapple 



From: obsnw@googlegroups.com [mailto:obsnw@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of 
Sent: 25 June 2015 07:26 PM
To: obsnw@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [obsnw] Lower Obs (other side of the Railways) very concerned


Let me know when........I will assist


Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!


From: Patrick Chapple <patrick.chap...@capetown.gov.za> 

Sender: obsnw@googlegroups.com 

Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2015 17:21:21 +0000

To: mailto:obsnw@googlegroups.com%3cob...@googlegroups.com>

ReplyTo: obsnw@googlegroups.com 

Subject: RE: [obsnw] Lower Obs (other side of the Railways) very concerned


I received an attack from an organisation called Ground up via Facebook for 
removing the encampments along the Liesbeek. Yes, I agree. There might be one 
or two innocent homeless amongst the 6 camps I removed. Let me tell everyone 
the reality. I personally went done there. How many of these people are cross 
dressers? Because the litter was predominated by hand bags! Witnesses who guard 
the SAN Circus have witnessed the thefts and directly point at the perpetrators 
running towards the river. A robbery at Merindol ( number 2) is a case in 
point. On my site visit, I was certainly tracked by two residents whose 
intentions seemed to be not to ask me  for my Business card. Now I have an NGO, 
Groundup, who are complaining! But where were they when I asked NGOs to assist? 
As usual only the City and Obscid responded! I am going to raid the two new 
camps that have sprung up along the Liesbeek since the last raid. I suggest 
Groundup consult with them. Because crime WILL go down below the railway line 
when these camps are removed. And incidentally. Groundup financial books make 
interesting reading. More wages than action! Lot more wages! Groundup stop 
exploiting. Offer your services to Obscid. Be part of the solution! You are 
making problems for your own financial game, it seems.


From: obsnw@googlegroups.com [mailto:obsnw@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Marc 
Sent: 25 June 2015 11:04 AM
To: obsnw@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [obsnw] Lower Obs (other side of the Railways) very concerned


The idea of people chipping in would be a very local thing for a few streets to 
get some extra help during some hours when volunteers are not available  for a 
limited period like two months to break the crime cycle while OBSID is getting 
its broad evenly spread security ‘activities’ together in full tilt once 
again...not to try raise funds like Obswatch attempted to do for the whole of 

If the problem is seen to be Friday and Saturday night  9 to 12 pm and for 
example and no one is available to volunteer then maybe employ someone to help 
for 6 hrs a week at about R30 or R40 per hour ..One would need to raise R 180 
to 240 per week, lets say for a month trial to see the impact. The mini area 
would need to raise about R1000 for the month. I am saying if those who are not 
able to volunteer time, were to contribute R 40 to R80  for the month, one 
would need 15 to 25 households to chip in for this turnaround strategy to kick 
in. This in addition to volunteers doing patrols. If the combination works as 
an improvement, it could be changed eg to do a stakeout at another time like 
Wednesday and Friday afternoon for two hours each  instead of weekend nigh, 
rotating and uncover the patterns that need to be noticed and acted on by OPS.




From: marion 

Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 2:47 PM

To: obsnw@googlegroups.com 

Subject: Re: [obsnw] Lower Obs (other side of the Railways) very concerned


  Hi All

I have read the comments on this topic so far with interest. 

While it is good news that crime has gone down in Obs in general, armed 
muggings are most definitely on the increase in Lower Obs. I have lived in 
Crown St for 20 years, and while we have had issues with car and house 
break-ins, I do not recall having so many aggressive muggings as this recent 
spate. Like Melanie, I am feeling scared to walk around my own neighbourhood, 
and also worry for my child, as well as our childminder and her daughter. 

- I agree that the community can do a lot to address this situation, and Jonah, 
I like your sign idea.  I also agree that patrols are effective not as an 
alternative to policing, but to simply get more people out and about. Other 
activities like the moonlight walk achieve this too. 

- However, I am concerned that the prioritisation of the Lower Main rd issues, 
combined with the installation of cameras, has been at the expense of lower 
Obs. Future plans need to be less reactive and put plans in place that benefit 
the whole of Observatory, not just one part of it. 

- I am willing to consider putting in extra as a once off to pay for cameras. 
However, I am not in favour of trying to get households to make a regular 
additional financial commitment to pay for extra security. Those of you who 
were around during the Obswatch days will know that it is a nightmare trying to 
get people to pay up monthly. The forced levying through rates is the only way 
to get a monthly income one can rely on to contract security staff. 





OPS [Obsid Public Safety] - 24/7 control room 
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