Hi everyone,

*First board meeting*
Yesterday the 2021 board had our first meeting. I believe it's a healthy
sign when the board of the organisation is a mix of old and new faces.
During the meeting we elected for roles on the board and it is an honour
for me to chair OSGeo Oceania for 2021.

To recap Alex's earlier email, the other elected roles are:

Deputy chair: Dionne Hansen
Treasurer: Alex Leith
Secretary: Jonah Sullivan

*Thank you's*
To the board of 2020, thank you! Countless hours were put in, many of them
thankless and during a time of great uncertainty. You can be proud of what
you achieved and the fact that a conference still took place this year when
many others around the world were cancelled is a testament to the hard work
and optimism within our community.

The 2021 board will now carry the torch and I'm most relieved that Alex,
Dionne, Emma, and Greg are there to help Carrol, Elisa, Ewen, Jonah, and
myself navigate the year.

*Board procedures*
The minutes of the meeting are now available on the OSGeo wiki here
<https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Oceania>. Future meeting minutes will be
posted here ~24 hours after the board meeting so that board members have a
final chance to review them and ensure they're a true reflection of the

The board still needs to discuss some of the finer details around
procedures, so I encourage you to contribute to the discussion here
<https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/oceania/2020-December/002481.html> and
tell us what you'd like to see more or less of.

*Our responsibility to you*
As many have expressed in the discussion above, the board is pointless
without the community. The only relevance we have is to create a supportive
framework that enables people and organisations working with open source
geospatial to learn, build, and succeed. We can't do this alone and nor
should we. Let's work together.

Reach out at any time and let us know how you'd like to help or what we can
do to support.

*Open hours*
To make this easier, I'm listing a few times below where I'm available to
chat. Just let me know if any of them work and I'll send a meeting invite.
If none of them work, propose a time and we can work something out.

   - Wednesday, December 16th (11:00 - 13:00 UTC +11)
   - Thursday, December 17th (11:00 - 13:00 UTC +11)
   - Tuesday, December 22nd (11:00 - 13:00 UTC +11)
   - Wednesday, December 23rd (17:00 - 19:00 UTC +11)

Speak soon and happy mapping.

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