Forwarding because we talked about the voter turnout at our AGM.

OSGeo has 64% participation, compared to our ~40%.

Any ideas on how we can increase this?

One difference is that to become a charter member of OSGeo, you need to be
recommended, so more 'exclusive'!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jorge Gustavo Rocha <>
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2020 at 10:11
Subject: [Charter-members] 2020 OSGeo Board of Directors election results
To: OSGeo Charter members <>
Cc: Board <>, OSGeo Chief Returning Officer <>

Dear OSGeo members and friends,

Thanks to all candidates for going through the election process and
thank you all for your participation in this election.

These are the results from the 2020 elections for the 4 open seats on
the OSGeo Board of Directors.

The results in alphabetical order are:

* Angelos Tzotsos
* Michael Smith
* Michele Tobias
* Tom Kralidis

Election figures are:

* 306 votes out of 482
* 63% participation

All candidates received a large number of votes recognizing their
engaged in our community.

Detailed number of votes for each candidate were published on the OSGeo
wiki [1].

Jorge Gustavo Rocha and Anne Ghisla
(your 2020 OSGeo Elections CROs)

Charter-members mailing list

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m: 0419189050
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