Hi all!

We are very pleased to announce the opening of the OSGeo Oceania
Microgrants program! The program aims to help open source supporters in
organising community-driven initiatives and activities by granting up to
$250 AUD per initiative.

Do you need to buy pizzas for everybody after a hard afternoon of mapping
or coding, or a webcam and some internet data for your online training
webinar, or even some help in hiring a venue for your local event?

Just read the microgrants guidelines
<https://drive.google.com/file/d/15_DXASLYHgpFbb_AvqCMAMBkmMlmbMK1>and if
you think your activity or initiative is eligible for a microgrant,
complete this
and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible!


Potrebbe andar peggio...potrebbe piovere!
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