Hi all,

We have two more microgrants approved this month and one under discussion.
The approved microgrants are for Joeli Varo and Carrol Chan.

Joeli is organising a community awareness and student capability building
event on the 23rd of this month and Carrol will use the microgrant to
improve the local visibility of the newly created OSM Fiji group.
Congratulations! We are all looking forward to knowing how the microgrant
helped you!

One of our successful past applicants, Mosese Sereivalu, has sent us a very
nice report of the event he organised with the help of our microgrant.I've
attached it to this email for you to look at. It really seems it was a
great day of training for the Valenicina community!

We are all very glad this program is up and running and helping the
community. Keep on submitting your applications!


Potrebbe andar peggio...potrebbe piovere!
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