Hi All,

as per my previous email, we're creating a new policy to grant funding to
the community in a (hopefully) easier way and in order to cover more
activities than the ones funded by the Microgrants (which are still
working, so don't forget to apply if you have any event/activity in your

At the moment we're still finalising the new policy but the good news is
that we've already used it to grant funding to two very active groups of
our community, the Perth open source group and the Samoa GIS user group.
They have both granted funding to help with events in the next 6 months
(for Perth) and 4 months (for Samoa).

Having the funding secured for a few months should help them save time
(i.e. they won't need to apply for a microgrant each time they organise an
event) and organise events  more easily, as they won't have to worry if
funds are approved or not each time.

It's so exciting knowing that we're all working together to grow this
community and I'm personally looking forward to receiving feedback from
both groups to see if we're on the right track.

So if you have any ideas and want to help out, or if you have a project and
think it could be funded by OsGeo Oceania, please reach out to me or any
member of the board and let us know!


Potrebbe andar peggio...potrebbe piovere!
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