Hi Oceanians

I am invited to present OSGeo at the Oceania Geospatial Symposium, so
I have 15 minutes to talk about global and local OSGeo roles and ways
to participate.

What are, as of November 2022 (and hopefully some time into the
future), the best channels for getting connected to OSGeo Oceania?
Mailing lists and slack seem pretty quiet - is there community chat
elsewhere? I know there's something starting up on the OSM discourse
community.. Are there fediverse hashtags to follow yet? What do you
want highlighted in 2-5 minutes of slides for a wide audience covering
local to inter-government organisations?

I'll combine anything I get with what comes from people on the ground
in Noumea - I plan to ask around and see what people are already aware
of, what people perceive, before 'splaining things to everyone :)

I hope preparations for Suva are going well!


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