Hi Mike,
        Are you sure it is caused by the update of ocfs2-tools?
AFAIK, the ocfs2-tools only include tools like mkfs, fsck and tunefs 
etc. So if you don't make any change to the disk(by using this new 
tools), it shouldn't cause the problem of kernel panic since they are 
all user space tools.
Then there is only one thing maybe. Have you modify 
/etc/sysconfig/o2cb(This is the place for RHEL, not sure the place in 
ubuntu)? I have checked the rpm package for RHEL, it will update 
/etc/sysconfig/o2cb and this file has some timeouts defined in it.
So do you have some backups for this file? If yes, please restore it to 
see whether it helps(I can't say it for sure).
If not, do you remember the old value of some timeouts you set for 
ocfs2? If yes, you can use o2cb configure to set them by yourself.

Good Luck.


mike wrote:
> Hi, I'm running into a big issue. I believe it is OCFS2, I can get my
> machines to kernel panic consistently.
> Before I was running Ubuntu Gutsy (7.10) ocfs2-tools 1.2.4.
> Now I am running Ubuntu Hardy (8.04) ocfs2-tools 1.3.9.
> I am even running the same kernel (2.6.22-14), but the behavior has
> changed with my OCFS2 mounts it seems. At first I thought it was due
> to the newer kernel (2.6.24-16) but it isn't the case. Now it is
> happening no matter which kernel I use. I even compiled my own vanilla
> 2.6.25, and it still has this issue.
> I have 6 total clients mounting the ocfs2 partition:
> - 2 batch servers which only access it every 5 or 10 minutes to load
> up a PHP script to process
> - 1 server I am trying to rsync from local RAID disk -> ocfs2  - I am
> limiting this to 250kb/sec
> - 3 webservers loading normal stuff - PHP scripts, graphics, media
> files - maybe 2MB/sec combined total
> That's not even 3MB/sec - yet when I start the rsync, pretty quickly
> the server doing the rsync kernel panics and reboots. The 3 webservers
> all have issues with reading from the OCFS2 mounted partition. The
> %util all drops to 0, it's like it bottlenecks and suspends all disk
> I/O on the webservers for a few seconds. Then things go back to normal
> for a while.
> Is there any additional info that could be useful? I am desperately in
> need of help. I have hosting customers and somehow this upgrade has
> pretty much crippled me...
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