Am 27.04.2010 18:11, schrieb Sunil Mushran:
> Werner Flamme wrote:
>> Unfortunately, I do not run the Oracle RAC. The RAC runs with Oracle
>> Unbreakable Linux. I am sorry for that decision, but I can't change it.
>> SAP does not forbid to use Oracle's version of Linux. SAP only says that
>> SAP systems are fully supported on RHEL or SLES only (concerning Linux).
>> It was simpler to have me change from SLES to RHEL, but since RHEL
>> support is not as detailed as Novell/SUSE's (SAP priority support) plus
>> it is a lot more expensive, I cannot convince my boss to change.
>> And I still do not understand why you provide sourcecode that will
>> compile on RHEL only. Especially when you provide ready binaries for
>> RHEL at the same time. Or did Larry buy RedHat in between? There was
>> such a noise about Sun one may have just not registerd this... ;-)
> Easy. Because Novell ships with ocfs2. There is no point in
> having two versions of the same filesystem on one distro.
> Use ocfs2 that is shipped alongwith sles.


this is what I do. But since the version on the RAC server is newer than 
mine, I cannot mount the filesystem (I quoted the error in a previous 
mail). That's why I try to compile the sources from Oracle. I'd rather 
deinstall the SLES version and switch over to the newer one, but I can't 
compile them. And, especially with SLES 11, there is no OCFS2 included 
in the media. It belongs to an add-on package, that is not yet 
available, the HA resource kit (or alike).


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