I found this from ocfs1.4 document:
g) NFS
OCFS2 volumes can be exported as NFS volumes. This support is limited to 
NFS version 3, which translates to Linux kernel version 2.4 or later. 
Users must mount the NFS volumes on the clients using the nordirplus 
mount option. This disables the READDIRPLUS RPC call to workaround a bug 
in NFSD, detailed in the following link: 
Users running NFS version 2 can export the volume after having disabled 
subtree checking (mount option no_subtree_check). Be warned, disabling 
the check has security implications (documented in the exports(5) man 
page) that users must evaluate on their own.

is it being fixed with centos 5.3 (2.6.18-164.11.1.el5)?

anything I need to aware for exporting OCFS2 volume via NFS?

Thomas Lau
Infrastructure Delivery Manager
eSun Holdings Limited
Mobile: 852-93239670
Office phone: 29058104

"always I strive to push the boundaries of what we know, and what seems 
possible to us at this moment in time. The walls between art and engineering 
exist only in our minds, and few have the imagination to see beyond them."

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