--- Gio 23/7/09, bagvian <bagv...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

> Da: bagvian <bagv...@gmail.com>
> Oggetto: Re: [OctDev] Fwd: Octave 3.2.0 backend on MS Vista
> A: tmacch...@yahoo.co.jp
> Cc: octave-...@lists.sourceforge..net
> Data: Giovedì 23 luglio 2009, 18:07
> Dear Tatsuro,
> Many thanks for your exhaustive explanation.
> >From a general point of view I would perfectly be happy
> to use gnuplot
> as a backend for Octave. It is a very nice piece of
> software that I
> frequently use to display data. The problem I am facing
> here is that
> gnuplot backend in Octave cannot be better than gnuplot
> itself.
> In other words :
> Say that you have got x y data saved in a text file called
> tmp..txt.
> For example looking like :
> 1   1
> 2   4
> 3   -1
> 4   2
> 5   5
> 6   0
> You want to display these data with gnuplot. Just launch
> gnuplot and
> type something like :
> set term x11
> plot "tmp.txt" using 1:2 w linespoints
> On the graph you get you can zoom-in by defining an area
> by
> right-clicking as you explained in your email, but you
> cannot zoom-out
> say 1-level out for example.
> This is precisely the same problem I encounter when trying
> to display
> data with Octave through gnuplot backend : I can zoom-in
> but cannot
> zoom-out.

have you tried to press "u" on the gnuplot window?
Press "h" for more help.

At least on cygwin platform it works, so I will be surprised
 if mingw version lack it.
> The only silly solution I found both for gnuplot and Octave
> to
> zoom-out is to kill the figure and draw it again.
> Anybody has got a better solution?
> When using a piece of software to display big amount of
> detailed data
> you absolutely need to be able to very rapidly zoom-in and
> out at
> different positions to focus on what you are looking for.
> This is what
> I often do and unfortunately I cannot use either of these
> software
> that I enjoy using at any other occasion.
> Maybe it can be done, but in that case I do not know how
> and I would
> be very glad to learn this trick.
> Thanks again for the answers you have sent.
> Regards,
> JB



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