On 7/23/09 Jaroslav Hajek wrote:
>> BTW, I find it confusing that optimization functions are split
>> between
>>> Octave and the octave-forge package.  At one point, I thought
>>> there was a plan to keep associated functions together, either
>>> all in Octave or in the appropriate octave-forge package.  I
>>> guess the split remains more development oriented: polished
>>> functions make it to Octave where as rough contributions remain
>>> in octave-forge.
> Er, not really. Yes, the dev status is a factor; for instance, source
>  must conform to Octave guidelines. However, it's also about what is
> more and what is less common. For instance, you have linear algebra
> in the core, but you also have other advanced linear algebra in
> packages. It's the same with optimization; I don't see what's
> confusing on that.
> My intent was to bring to core Octave the 1D equation solver / 
> optimizer (fzero / fminbnd) and the local unconstrained 
> solver/optimizer (fsolve / fminunc). These both use established 
> techniques - bracketing + inverse interpolation in 1D, and local 
> Newton/BFGS iterations with trust-region step limiting and factorized
>  updating (Broyden/BFGS). There's a lot of similarity between the 
> fsolve and fminunc code. Both are designed for small-to-medium-size 
> problems (they use full matrices), and are local iterative methods. 
> Starting from a sufficiently good initial guess, with a smooth, 
> reasonably behaved problem, these methods will probably work well.
> The optim package, on the contrary, should provide a variety of other
>  methods, for expert usage and more difficult problems, with 
> bound/linear/equality/inequality constrants, noisy functions, etc. It
>  is believed amongst numerical analysts that there is no single best 
> method, so there's no problem if optim contains competing methods.
> I encourage you to use the fminunc from core if local unconstrained 
> search is enough for your purposes. So far it didn't get much
> testing, so don't be too surprised if problems arise, but I hope it
> will improve over time, when real usage is seen.

OK, seems reasonable.  Are you planning to move fminbnd over to Octave 
sometime soon?

I am rather pragmatic and can work with this approach.  However, let me 
make a couple points you might consider.  Matlab provides all of its 
optimization functions in the optimization toolbox; none are provided in 
core Matlab.  I am sure they do this for monetary reasons (to sell more 
overpriced toolboxes), but folks migrating to Octave might get a little 
confused.  Also, some of the Matlab optimization functions, e.g. 
fminunc, are not algorithm specific.  The algorithm used depends on a 
passed option and/or the nature of the problem (detected internally by 
the function).  This was sort of the philosophy used for the old fminunc 
in octave-forge.  If we wanted to emulate this behavior, and I 
personally like the idea, then all the supported algorithms would need 
to be co-located with the fminunc function.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents.


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