I often use a free conference call line that works really well if we want to try it. I think the phone number is 218.936.6660 - you create it and enter the extension for your call.

Check it out - it might be a good fit on such short notice. May I suggest a passcode of 632491 (OFBIZ!) :)


Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


Si Chen wrote:

Can I suggest, for your 3 - 5 PM slot on Friday (or whatever openings):

1. A presentation on how content management works? I understand how the Websites and Surveys work, but my knowledge of how the content manager really works is limited to ProductContentWrapper and to generating XML off templates.

2. Some kind of feedback from the community for us. I'd really like just to have a session where anybody can call in or speak up and tell us what they're doing, ask us questions, offer suggestions, etc. Is it possible to arrange some kind of call in number, so even people who are pretty far can do this, or can we do it on a big chatroom or something? Maybe out of respect for time differences it would be better to have this at an earlier hour?

On Oct 31, 2006, at 8:49 PM, Al Byers wrote:

Looks like we will have between 12-15 attendees at the 2006 Users
Conference. We have room for anyone else that wants to attend.

Though we will keep things loose and informal, here is the tentative

Thursday (Nov 2):
Arrive and help set things up. - anyone

Friday (Nov 3):

8-10AM Continental breakfast. Informal gathering.

10-10:15 Welcome and introduction to
OFBiz                                                     - Al Byers
10:15-10:30 Self introductions by all attendees and a brief description of
what you are or are planning
                 to use OFBiz for.
10:30-11:00 General discussion of OFBiz and where  it is
headed.                        - David Jones

11:00-11:30 Remote presentation by Si Chen on his use of OFBiz in an
enterprise mode and his
discussion of what is happening with OFBiz and its future.
11:30-12 TBD

12:00-1:00 Sandwich and/or pizza lunch

1:00-3:00 OFBiz Testing Initiative - a presentation on Grinder and a
discussion        - Al Byers
              on how testing frameworks may evolve in OFBiz.

3:00-5:00 TBD

6:00 Dinner at nearby restaurant. General congregation afterwards at the
hostel for movie watching, game playing and discussion.

Saturday (Nov 4)

7-9AM Continental breakfast. Informal gathering.

9:30-10 OFBiz in India. Some tips for working with offshore
resources.             - Amit Shinde
10-Noon General group discussion of OFBiz in production environments. Led by
David Jones
             A chance to air gripes and wishes.

Noon - 1PM Lunch. Same as Friday.

1PM Official close of conference. Time to discuss specific issues.

Please contact me if you have questions or suggestions.

-Al Byers

Best Regards,


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