I have this situation Approved Requirement of products to purchase. Try to generate a purchase order Select USD as currency for the PO Go to Requirements select the product to include into the PO but get this error:
*SupplierProduct not found I found that it is because I don´t have any supplier with prices in USD. If I make the PO in the same currency as that supplier's price it works OK ( ARS = Argentina Peso) The problem is that I have products from the same Supplier that are in ARS and others that are in USD (products made in Argentina vs imported products). To solve this problem I should make two PO, one in USD and other in ARS. But I have no currency information in the requirements view. I found that when you select a product to include in the PO from the requirement screen, it looks up the Suppliers that have the same currencyUomId than the PO (getSupplierProduct in the file ShoppingCart.java) If I disable the restriction removing currencyUomId from the Map params inside getSupplierProduct all the prices are inserted in the PO as if they were in the same currency without performing any conversion. Which would be the recommended way to solve this without affecting other parts of OFBiz? I see two options: a) Adding the Suppliers currency in the requirement view or filtering the products according to the suppliers's price currency, to allow the creation of a PO for each currency. b) Performing the currency conversion when you select the products to include in the PO from the requirements view. Is this an issue for someone else? Guido Amarilla Córdoba, Argentina