Hi Denis.

We have done some testing with the STE modem for call termination, and this is 
the result:

TC |Call #1 | Call #2 | Call #3  | Command   | Result
1  |ACTIVE  | ACTIVE  | ..       | ATH         | call 1, 2 terminated   
2  |ACTIVE  | ACTIVE  | ..       | AT+CHUP     | call 1, 2 terminated   
3  |ACTIVE  | ACTIVE  | HELD     | ATH         | call 1, 2 terminated   
4  |ACTIVE  | ACTIVE  | HELD     | AT+CHUP     | call 1, 2 terminated
5  |ACTIVE  | ACTIVE  | HELD     | AT+CHLD=0;H | call 1, 2 and 3 terminated
6  |ACTIVE  | ACTIVE  | WAITING  | ATH         | call 1, 2 terminated
7  |ACTIVE  | ACTIVE  | WAITING  | AT+CHUP     | call 1, 2 terminated
8  |ACTIVE  | HELD    | WAITING  | CHLD=0      | call 3 terminated, 
9  |ACTIVE  | HELD    | WAITING  | ATH         | call 1 terminated
10 |ACTIVE  | HELD    | WAITING  | AT+CHUP     | call 1 terminated
11 |HELD    | HELD    | ACTIVE   | AT+CHLD=0   | call 1, 2 terminated
12 |HELD    | HELD    | ACTIVE   | AT+CHLD=0;H | call 1, 2 and 3 terminated
13 |HELD    | DIALING | ..       | ATH         | call 2 (MO) terminated
14 |HELD    | DIALING | ..       | CHUP        | call 2 (MO) terminated
15 |HELD    | DIALING | ..       | AT+CHLD=12  | call 2 (MO) NOT terminated
16 |HELD    | WAITING | ..       | AT+CHLD=0   | call 2 terminated
17 |HELD    | ..      | ..       | ATH         | call 1 NOT terminated  

Denis Kenzior wrote:
>>> oFono already takes care of this for single calls (see 
>>> src/voicecall.c voicecall_hangup.)  So this is only an issue in the 
>>> case of three way calls, is this what you're referring to here?
>> Kind of. This is very good, it takes care of the situation with 
>> emergency  call which cannot be terminated with CHLD commands.
>> But I think there are more issues. If I am not mistaken STE-modems 
>> have the following behavior:
>> CHLD=1X can only terminate call in state ACTIVE or HELD. (I think 
>> this is as STE interprets the standards).
> The standards specify that CHLD=1X can only terminate an ACTIVE call.
> Most modems implement it this way.  There are vendor extensions that 
> provide this functionality (e.g. CHLD=7X on TI.)  By default oFono 
> assumes that release_specific will simply fail if a user attempts to
> use it on an e.g. HELD call with no modem support.    

For the STE modem, AT+CHLD=1x terminates calls in state ACTIVE and HELD.

>> a) If you are in a active call and receives a new incoming call
>> (ALERTING) and want to reject the new ALERTING call, then STE modem 
>> cannot terminate this call with CHLD=1X. It has to be terminated with 
>> CHLD=0 (cause=BUSY) or ATH (possible CHUP).
> Ok, lets get the terminology clear here.  In this case the incoming 
> call is not ALERTING, it is WAITING.  WAITING calls are always 
> rejected by using CHLD=0.  ALERTING calls are always outgoing calls
> that transitioned from DIALING to alerting the user.   
>> b) Or you may have the following situation. One call on HOLD, another 
>> ACTIVE call, and then you receive a new incoming call ALERTING. If 
>> you try to terminate the new incoming (ALERTING) call with CHLD=0, I 
>> think you as a side effect will terminate the call on hold as well.
>> If I am not mistaken ATH (possible CHUP) would be the correct in this 
>> situation for STE modems
> The standards are quite clear here, the WAITING call always takes 
> precedence and thus only the WAITING call is affected. Can you check 
> that STE modems do indeed get this wrong?  If the modem is standards 
> compliant, oFono does the right thing here.

STE is standard compliant, only the WAITING call is terminated with AT+CHLD=0. 
(TC 8)
>> c) If you have an call on hold and initiate a new call, but want to 
>> terminate the newly initiated call (DIALING), then this call cannot 
>> be terminated with CHLD=1X, but you would have to use ATH (or 
>> possible CHUP).
> Yes, so this is the case that we do need to take care of in the core.
> Most
> modems let us get away with sending release_specific up to this point.

For the STE modem, calls in state DIALING and ALERTING will have to be 
terminated with ATH or AT+CHUP, AT+CHLD=1x does not work.
This means that the current implementation, using release_specific (and thus 
AT+CHLD=1x) will not work. 

>>> What I have been considering to take care of this case is to add 
>>> end_all and end_all_active callbacks.  According to 27.007/22.030 
>>> ATH should end all calls (active + held) except waiting calls, while
>>> +CHUP should only end the currently active call.  At least on one TI
>>> modem I tried this works as expected.  Do your modems implement the 
>>> same behavior?
>> No, I don't think so. I think ATH will only terminate one call.
>> In order to terminate all calls you would probably need to do 
>> something like: AT+CHLD=0;H But I'm not sure this works in all 
>> possible scenarios either...
> Can you check the behavior of ATH vs CHUP on STE modems?  We need to 
> send the right one here or both HELD and ACTIVE/DIALING/ALERTING will 
> be terminated.
> If using CHUP and ATH doesn't work out we'll have to come up with 
> another solution.

For the STE modem, ATH will only terminate the active call, not the held call. 
(TC 9). For more information about ATH and AT+CHUP, please see the table above.

BTW: Sorry if you get this mail twice, something went wrong when posting this 
last time so I'm had to re-send this.
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