Test Environment
General PC (pre-installed FC12)
- ofono v0.17
- phonesim package
- (HFP) Latest BlueZ git tree + Sony Ericsson C905
- (GPRS) Moblin 2.2 + Unicom WCDMA network + MBM modem
Test Scope
    - All implemented features in oFonov0.17 are covered, We did light 
functional validation in this round testing on these features (voice call, 
message, cell broadcast, phonebook, sim, supplementary service, modem, voice 
mail, call volume, call history, message history.) with phonesim simulator as 
the target STE modem is not ready and basic functional validation on HFP, GPRS 
with real hardware environment. We will do full test for HFP, GPRS later.

Test Summary
The test result is positive. Most functionalities work well and more stable,
we reported 4 new bugs, updated 2 old bugs, verified 1 bugs, and one major bug 
was quickly fixed by developer, thanks. So far, no blocking, major issues 
Executed total 202 test cases during this round of testing, and among them: 
Pass:     196
Fail:       6

New Bugs
9370 nor No phonesim application when enable real modem and phonesim together  
9371 nor Modem interface information didn't be updated after modem was removed  
9453 enh [Phonesim] To support UCS2 encode in Cell Broadcast Message  
9374 maj Segment fault with more char CBS [fixed by developer already]

Remaining Old Open bugs
8185 nor Segmentation fault in ste modem which may caused by call history
8898 enh Spend long time on getting fail report of sms

Verified Bugs
9089 maj Phonesim modem will quit with the remote disconnect detection patch   

The every checkpoint would be one or more test case to cover and result is for 
functionality, besides you may find some functional limitation in comments.

Features                                checkpoints             result          

Call history                    Missed call             pass
                                        Outgoing call           pass
                                        Incoming call           pass
                                        Duration                        pass
                                        Date                            pass
SMS                                     Send/receive            pass            
        Enhancement bug #8898
                                        Different class pass
                                        Character set           pass
                                        Set Center add  pass
                                        More segments           pass
Voice call                      Dial                            pass
                                        Accept/reject           pass
                                        Hold/Retrieve           pass
                                        Release                 pass
                                        ECT                             pass
Multiparty call         Create                  pass
                                        Hangup                  pass
                                        Private chat            pass
                                        Hold                            pass
Sim phonebook                   Read                            pass
                                        Character set           pass
                                        vCard3.0                        pass
SS                                      CF                              pass
                                        CB                              pass
                                        CW                              pass
                                        CLIP/CLIR                       pass
Setting                         AOC                             pass
                                        CF/CW/CB                        pass
GSM string                      General strings pass
                                        USSD                            pass
Modem                           Basic information       pass
                                        Two modems              pass            
Low priority bug #9370
                                        Abnormal quit           fail            
Networking                      Basic information       pass
                                        Signal indicator        pass
Sim file                                Read IMSI                       pass
                                        Read MSISDN             pass
                                        Emergence number        pass
                                        SDN number              pass
Cell broadcast          Receive one             pass
                                        Character set           pass            
Enhancement bug #9453
                                        Receive more char       fail            
Fixed now, bug #9374
Call Volume                     Get/Set value           pass
                                        Mute/Unmute             pass
Message history         Send                            pass
                                        Receive                 pass
                                        Unsend                  pass
                                        Date                            pass
HPF                                     Dial a call             pass
                                        Hangup                  pass
                                        DTMF                            pass
                                        Hold/retrieve           pass
                                        Multiparty call pass
GPRS                                    Register                        pass
                                        Create context  pass
                                        Active context  pass
                                        Deactivate context      pass
                                        Set/Get APN             pass


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