Hello ALL,

I had checked all the available archives for ofono to find how to run the
phone simulator. It looks like the information is either wrong or outdated.

I found the thread
http://lists.ofono.org/pipermail/ofono/2009-October/000490.html, where for
0.4 version, the steps to run ofono and phonesim are given. There are a
couple of more thread which give similar data.

But this is not working for me. I am using ubunto 9.10.

1) As per the thread i run the phonesim as below after enabling phonesim in
the modem.conf file:

r...@arun-laptop:/home/arun# phonesim -p 12345 -gui data/moblin.xml

I don't see any output from this command, i can see that the phonesim
process is running. I also don't know what data needs to be present in

2) When i try to run ofonod:

r...@arun-laptop:/home/arun# ofonod -nd
Missing argument for -d
r...@arun-laptop:/home/arun# ofonod -n
ofonod[3873]: oFono version 0.20

why is the d option not working? or is it really required to put the d
where can i find a document on running ofonod and the options?

3) The third step from the thread also resulted in error:

r...@arun-laptop:/home/arun# dbus-send --system --print-reply
--dest=org.ofono /phonesim0 org.ofono.Modem.SetProperty string:Powered
Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method "SetProperty" with
signature "sv" on interface "org.ofono.Modem" doesn't exist

Could anyone help me in running the ofono and phonesim?

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