Hi Florian,

> we currently test the PPP dialup with a Huawei EM770W modem. We can 
> connect with create-context and activate context but the ppp device is 
> not configured. connman says that the device is not connected. We use 
> connman 0.55 and ofono 0.26.
> What did we do wrong? The kernel is 2.6.35~pre5 from Meego 1.1 devel.

I never tested this with the EM777W modem, but with the Huawei modems I
have it works just fine.

Especially if it shows the DataConnectionManager interface since then
you have this properly setup and running.

>     [ org.ofono.DataConnectionManager ]
>         Powered = 1
>         Attached = 1
>         PrimaryContexts = /huawei0/primarycontext1
>         RoamingAllowed = 1
>     [ org.ofono.NetworkRegistration ]
>         Status = registered
>         Strength = 70
>         Name = T-Mobile D
>         Operators = /huawei0/operator/26201
>         LocationAreaCode = 34591
>         Mode = auto
>         MobileCountryCode = 262
>         CellId = 5950877
>         MobileNetworkCode = 01

> # /usr/lib/ofono/test/list-contexts
> [ /huawei0 ]
>     [ /huawei0/primarycontext1 ]
>         Username =
>         Protocol = ip
>         Name = 3G Connection
>         Settings = { Interface=ppp0 Netmask= 
> Method=static DomainNameServers=,, 
> Address= }
>         Active = 1
>         AccessPointName = internet.t-d1.de
>         Password =
>         Type = internet

This looks like an active Internet context. How did you activate this
one. Via ConnMan or via activate-context test script. If via the script,
then I think that ConnMan is not picking this up. I think that is a bug
in ConnMan.

What does list-services from ConnMan says? The devices and networks are
actually irrelevant.



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