Hi Marcel,

> > In mux_query_cb(), the frame size is taken as default (31 or 64). We

> > have a case where the default values are not accepted by the modem.
> > 
> > Gatmux is a generic component, and so makes all modem to use the 
> > default values, one needs to modify the gatmux to enable for 
> > example, a larger frame size.
> > 
> > Why not let the modem plug-in parse the CMUX query and decide on a 
> > suitable configuration for enabling MUX?
> > 
> > What is your opinion?
> > patches are welcome.
> > However you do know that the GAtMux has setup functions for basic 
> > and
> advanced mode. So you could parse AT+CMUX all by yourself in the modem

> plugin.
> > GAtMux *g_at_mux_new_gsm0710_basic(GIOChannel *channel, int
> framesize); GAtMux *g_at_mux_new_gsm0710_advanced(GIOChannel *channel,

> int framesize);
> > There is no requirement to actually use g_at_mux_setup_gsm0710(), 
> > but
> it is a lot more convenient.
> I am thinking of a solution, where the modem plugin passes a call back

> function pointer to g_at_mux_setup_gsm0710(). mux_query_cb() can call 
> this call back function during processing of CMUX=? Response. This 
> call back function will be a member of struct mux_setup_data. This way

> the modem plugins can have the freedom to set the CMUX parameters if 
> they wish to do so. If the call back is NULL the default values are 
> applied as now.
> But this involves patches in the existing plugins (calypso etc) and 
> Gatmux, but gives options to plugins (their of values or default 
> values).

> changing modem plugins is not a problem at.

> However if you make an extra callback to parse the AT+CMUX=? result
and then send force it to send the AT+CMUX command by itself, then this
makes no sense. It is as > complicated as doing it manually in the first

> If you wanna modify setup_gsm0710() to always pick the largest
available framesize instead of default, then yes, that sounds
reasonable. For your proposed solution I prefer > you just use the
manual setup. If you try it you will see that there is no difference.
You just replace one function call to setup_gsm0710() with a call to >

It is not only framesize, it can also be for other parameters, where the
default values seem insufficient. I can see that the existing plugins
are not using those, but need not be true for other modems. Ok now I
understand, writing a plugin specific mux initialization
(xxmodem_mux_setup_gsm0710(...) ) is more clean, and use
g_at_mux_new_gsm0710_basic () g_at_mux_new_gsm0710_advanced()from there.

Thanks Marcel.


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