Hi Jukka,

> > the oFono plugins work like kernel modules. They are pretty much
> > generic. Inside the init function you can a driver register function and
> > inside the exit function, you call the driver unregister function.
> Right, that seems clear enough.
> > static int setup_context(struct ofono_gprs_primary_context *context)
> > {
> >     ...
> > 
> >     return 0;
> > }
> > 
> > static const ofono_gprs_provision_driver driver {
> >     .name = "test",
> >     .setup_context = setup_context,
> > };
> I guess that current struct ofono_gprs_primary_context* is not enough
> for provisioning data, it is missing at least name, MMS proxy and server
> information. Should those (and whatever might be needed in future) be
> added into that struct, or should we define some 
> struct ofono_gprs_provisioning_data {
>       struct ofono_gprs_primary_context pri;
>       char name[MAX_CONTEXT_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
>       char message_proxy[MAX_MESSAGE_PROXY_LENGTH + 1];
>       char message_center[MAX_MESSAGE_CENTER_LENGTH + 1];     
> }
> struct pri_context in gprs.c contains everything, but has extra
> gprs-internal stuff.  
> Also setup_context() needs ofono_gprs_context_type as in-parameter.

it is just an example and we most likely need a bit more thinking about
it. To be honest, I just spent only 10 minutes on it to give you a brief
idea on how I think this could be done.

> And a question about the priorities, if there is more than one
> provisioning plugin: would plugins be called in priority order, and
> after first returns something, rest would not be called?

Inside oFono we have not used this concept, but inside ConnMan we just
order the drivers by priority. And then call the function in priority
order. If it returns < 0, then we try the next, if it return = 0 then we
stop calling. First one with highest priority wins ;)

We might need to add a probe() and remove() callback to do some basic
detection of the driver pre-constraints. This needs to be figured out as



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