On Friday 14 January 2011 16:10:27 ext Marcel Holtmann, you wrote:
> > Yes, that is how our previous UIs have done it, and I guess our UX
> > designers like it in the future too.
> I would advise the UI against using the name from the context
> information and better using the one from the network registration
> instead.

Well that would make sense... Therefore the operators don't do it ;-)

For instance my provider shows as "Elisa" in the network registration but the 
access points are expected to be shown as "Elisa Internet" and "Elisa MMS WAP" 
if I recall correctly.

It only makes sense to have this data in the provisioning plugin. It would be 
silly to have to provision just the names in a different component.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
Nokia Devices R&D, Maemo Software, Helsinki
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