Telepathy-Ring 2.1.3 ("I wish it need not have happened in my time")
is now available for download from:

md5sum: 292d132ca62051398e8087d3721dedbb  telepathy-ring-2.1.3.tar.gz
sha1sum: 8de6bae3337896bd2cf4d502e1bd09794fe10a6d  telepathy-ring-2.1.3.tar.gz

What is it?

Telepathy-Ring a 3GPP (GSM and 3G UMTS) connection manager for
Telepathy framework using oFono. It supports voice calls and
short messages.

What's New?

        Added manual page, updated documentation
        Add manager for Conference channels
        Not using sms-glib wrapper anymore

What's Fixed?

        BMC#12164, 12932: emitting correct message type
        Fix problems closing channels when disconnecting

Pekka.Pessi mail at
ofono mailing list

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