Hi Jussi,

On 02/23/2011 09:24 AM, Jussi Kangas wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, 2011-02-23 at 08:15 +0200, Denis Kenzior wrote:
>>> -   if (pin_type != OFONO_SIM_PASSWORD_NONE &&
>>> -                   sim->state == OFONO_SIM_STATE_READY) {
>>> +   if ((pin_type != OFONO_SIM_PASSWORD_NONE &&
>>> +                   sim->state == OFONO_SIM_STATE_READY) &&
>>> +                           (pin_type != OFONO_SIM_PASSWORD_SIM_PIN2)) {
>> I don't see how this can work.  You need to check for pin_type != NONE,
>> PIN2 and PUK2 AND state == READY here.  This also only covers the case
>> of the PIN2 or PUK2 being triggered when call-meter is active.  You do
>> not take care of the case where PIN2 or PUK2 are already required during
>> sim initialization.
> Hmm. It seems to work here. If I try reset call meter with wrong
> password I get pin_type OFONO_SIM_PASSWORD_SIM_PIN2 and
> OFONO_SIM_STATE_READY. APIs stay up and SIM manager shows pin2 locked
> and pin2 required. (Which is kinda wrong I admit, u cannot unlock the
> pin2, pin2 should always be visible in LockedPins or not at all, I would
> prefer the later. However it is showed as it is showed and it was
> working that way already before this patch). If I run same case three
> times I get same values but API shows that puk2 is required and all
> API:s stay up. If I run the case with correct password it does not come
> to this code at all all. 

What I'm saying here is that it would be safer to do it like this:

switch (pin_type) {
        if (sim->state == OFONO_SIM_STATE_READY)

We have to check for the PUK2 case above since we might be in PUK2
required state already.  If we fail to unlock the PUK2, then
        pin_type = puk2pin(pin_type);
will never be executed.

And I'm fine with your suggestion of blacklisting PIN2 from LockedPins,
but lets handle this separately.

> PIN2 cannot be required in startup. It is only required if u do
> something with certain features like fdn or call meter. PUK2 can be
> blocked in startup all right but it does not matter from startup point
> of view. If I start the oFono with PIN2 blocked I get pin_type
> shows pin2 locked and puk2 required as required. (does not seem work if
> I boot up the modem and not just oFono though. Looks like modem bug
> where it does not read voluntarily PIN2 state.)

Again, my point here is that you have this code at the bottom of the

        if (pin_type == OFONO_SIM_PASSWORD_NONE)

If you want the SIM initialization to proceed then you need to add a
check for SIM PIN2/PUK2.

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