We've been working on MMS support for Ubuntu Touch recently and have run into a couple of stumbling blocks, so I have a few questions about the current MMS logic in oFono ( we're still 1.12 based ), and in particular the provisioning/management of gprs-contexts.

As part of this work, we're planning to switch from using the builtin gprs 'provision' plugin, to the new android-provision/apndb plugin ( originally written by Simon Busch ) which uses the file apns-conf.xml instead of mbpi's serviceproviders.xml.

There are a couple of issues we ran into...

1. How to represent APNs that support multiple usages types?

The "type" attribute in apns-conf.xml is a list vs. the single type defined by a gprs_context.

The android-apndb plugin uses TYPE_INTERNET for APNs which support multiple types. In order to properly support MMS, the core code needed to be modified to allow the MMS properties to be additionally be set on a TYPE_INTERNET context. Thus if an APN supports both Internet and MMS, our DownloadManager can grab the additional MMS properties from the context and handle MMS traffic.

Now perhaps I missed something and there is a way to represent a combined usage APN ( maybe using TYPE_ANY? ), but I couldn't see how to accomplish without changes to the core gprs code.

2. No way to disable core ofono TYPE_MMS network config.

The core gprs_context code has special logic for TYPE_MMS contexts which configures the HTTP proxy using networking ioctl requests. We have an external download manager that handles the actual download of content from the message center. As it has logic to handle HTTP proxies already, if we use TYPE_MMS, we'd need a way to disable ofono's builtin logic.

Would it make sense to add a command-line option to control this behavior?

3. No way to associate additional APN properties with a gprs_context.

apns-conf.xml has many additional APN attributes which don't map directly to gprs_context properties ( eg. authtype, mvno_type, ... ).

"types" is especially important, as without it, we can't tell exactly which services are supported by the APN ( as the plugin sets the type to TYPE_INTERNET ).

So, here's a summary of the changes I made ( again with MMS support as one of the main goals ). Also note, this is WIP, and if there other approaches I should consider, I'd appreciate some feedback.

My latest code containing these changes can be found in the following github branch.


Note, if it'd be more helpful, I can email the patches directly to the list with a "RFC" in the subject line, however I think there's little chance that they'd be taken "as is".

1. Modified the core gprs code to allow MMS proxy and message center properties to be set on OFONO_GPRS_CONTEXT_TYPE_INTERNET contexts.

2. Modified the android_apndb plugin such that it always creates TYPE_INTERNET contexts ( even for standalone MMS APNs, as this allows us to bypass the previously mentioned HTTP proxy logic ).

3. Modified the core gprs_context code to allow a new property called 'ExtraData' to be set during provisioning. This property is a DBus dictionary type ( ie. like 'Setttings' ), and is used by provisioning to convey any attributes in apn-confs.xml which don't map directly to ofono gprs_contexts. The current impl doesn't support writes to ExtraData from DBus yet. We may add support to allow a "preferred" attribute ( ie. usabe by our Cellular Settings UI ).

If there's a way to accomplish any of these changes via plugins alone, I would've gone that route... Also, if I've missed any other hooks that might help us accomplish these changes, I'm welcome to suggestions.


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