Hi Alex,

>>>> Ordering should have nothing to do with it.
>>> Yes, the ordering is relevant. We (like other ofono users I suspect)
>>> have to allow multiple APNs or the automatic provisioning process fails.
>>> Then, the first context found in serviceproviders.xml is what is used by
>>> default for the connection.
>>> An example of the problem is that if you use a major telco's SIM card in
>>> the UK - Vodafone, ofono will then default to using an ASDA mobile
>>> context because of the ordering, and this will fail.
>>> My feeling is that a larger provider like Vodafone or O2 should be the
>>> default, not ASDA mobile or GiffGaff, and this should thus come first
>>> (understanding that the Ofono project does not control this document)
>> It has been years since I wrote the provisioning plugin, but the
>> intent was to fail if looking up MCC/MNC combo resulted in multiple
>> matches. So this may be a bug, or you might be using some custom
>> behavior.  But in the end, ordering of the entries should not affect
>> the provisioning logic.
>>> Allowing Duplicates - Not by default no, but you have a boolean
>>> parameter in there and logic to allow for duplicate contexts, which we
>>> have to enable (as do others I think from my Googling on this) or the
>>> provisioning support is unusable with the upstream serviceproviders.xml
>>> as far as I can see.
>> Then that's the problem.  The intent was never to allow duplicates.
>> That boolean was added for tools/lookup-apn only.
>>> I'm not entirely sure how the RilModem fork relates to Ofono but you can
>>> see they had the same problem
>>> /*
>>>    * TODO: review with upstream. Default behavior was to
>>>    * disallow duplicate APN entries, which unfortunately exist
>>>    * in the mobile-broadband-provider-info db.
>>>    */
>>> ref:
>>> https://github.com/rilmodem/ofono/blob/master/plugins/provision.c#L55
>>> SPN - Thanks. This seems promising. I will investigate the SPN values
>>> further.
>> The real fix is to fix mobile-broadband-provider-info.
> Yes I would agree with that.
> As I come to investigate this, I find I am concerned about using the
> Service Provider Name as I can't see any registry for those names, it's
> free text for display purposes, so I assume it is at least possible it
> might change without warning,
> whereas there does seem to be a registry for MCC/MNC (e.g.
> http://www.mcc-mnc.com/)

actually the TS.25 database from GSMA is the authority. Seems to have over 1800 
entries at the moment, but a lot of operators are listed more than once. I 
think it is a combination of band + MCC + MNC.

The SPN is indeed free form and can change at any time (even during a phone 
call). They are however a really good indication when you want to differentiate 
MNVO. But it means you have to update your database. However that needs to 
happen anyway since even MCC and MNC change all the time. I think that TS.25 
updates twice per month.

So some operators are actually assigned parts of the IMSI to their MNVO. I have 
seen operator documents clearly identifying which part of their ISMI pool is 
for MNVO a, b, c etc. However that is the exception and not the rule. However 
one big operator could be easily and clearly identified if you get their 

> I am thinking it may be preferable to use the registered IIN number from
> the ICCID - http://www.controlf.net/iccid/
> This seems a more controlled way of providing the uniqueness needed to
> me and presumably it's easy enough to read the ICCID out, if it's not
> already being read out.

As you saw by yourself, that is not going to help. The ICCID is pretty much 
useless in this regard. It is listed in the TS.25 database, but I have no idea 
how accurate that is. Some operators only list the first 2 digits and some have 
no entry at all.

Keep in mind that TS.25 does not list MNVO and with that I am thinking that 
ICCID prefix is free to assign by the operator. Same as the decision to use 
parts of the IMSI to identify a MVNO. Some of them might really do not care at 
all and just map this internally without visibility to the user equipment.

The reason why you can write your own provision plugin and create your own 
database is exactly this. oFono does not want to be in this business. That is 
up to the end product to put a proper database in place or write a smarter 
plugin that can use extra information from the device or SIM card. It is plugin 
based for that exact reason. And I am surely providing something better than 
mobile-broadband-provider-info is easy and worth while doing. It is just not an 
oFono objective.

One thing we spent a lot of time on is to get the MNC length correct. Since it 
can be 2 or 3 digits, we do make sure that whatever modem quirk it takes, we 
read the right value from the SIM card. Without this you would be in an even 
worse position.



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