Hi Matthijs,

On 07/16/2017 02:10 PM, Matthijs Kooijman wrote:
Hey folks,

I just tried Connman and oFono on a Debian stretch system for the first
time, hoping to get a more robust solution for keeping a cellular and/or
ethernet connection up. It seems the duo is quite capable of doing what
I need, but there were a few bumps in setting this up, where I think
things could be improved.

Some of these issues might be more connman issues, but they're mostly on
the cross-over area between the two, so I'll post them here for now.

In somewhat chronological order:
 - I could not find any documentation on how to get a cellular
   connection up. Plugging in a dongle made the "cellular" technology
   appear in connman, but no services, with no indication of what needed
   to happen next.

No services means either an incomplete modem driver, missing TUN module or most likely that the APN hasn't been setup properly (e.g. automatic provisioning has failed).

 - When provisioning in oFono fails, a single gprs context is created
   without an APN. Setting the APN manually made the profile show up in
   connman and (eventually) work.

oFono creates a single sentinel context when automatic provisioning fails. This is an indication to the provisioning UI that the user should be helped/asked/guided in providing a valid context configuration (e.g. APN, etc)

It looks like Debian doesn't ship such a UI.

   It might be better to cange connman to create a service for a context
   without an APN, and show an error when trying to connect it, instead
   of completely hiding the context.

See above. Ideally the desktop environment should detect that the provisioning failed and offer the user to configure the APNs with some sort of helpful Wizard.

 - There does not seem to be any official commandline interface to ofono
   to figure out what is happening. There are "test" python scripts in
   the source repo, but these are not shipped in the Debian package
   (reported here: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=868377)

Correct. A C-based command line UI (similar to e.g. connmanctl) is something that is on our TODO list but we haven't gotten around to it yet.

 - When mobile-broadband-provider-info provision finds multiple matches
   for the operator (that is, multiple apns all with the same usage
   type), provisioning fails, disregarding *all* apns found. I believe
   this even happens when there is just one type duplicate (e.g. if
   multiple mms profiles are available and just one internet profile,
   the internet one is not used). Not entirely sure, though.

MBPI database could be improved to make the chances of automatic provisioning succeeding higher. However, a provisioning UI is still needed.

 - When multiple profiles match, it would not make sense for oFono to
   just pick an arbitrary one to use. Ideally, it would just create
   a context for each, and let the user select the right context. For
   this to actually work, the user must be able to distinguish them, and
   see all the relevant details for profile/context to allow choosing
   the right one.

This was solved by using a provisioning UI. We don't believe that pushing selection of the APN onto the user (even a power user) is the right approach.

   I tried simply passing "allow_duplicates=TRUE" to ..., which does
   indeed create all contexts, but seems to show only the first two as
   aservices in connman (not sure why just these two), and there is no
   way to really distinguish them (the service name is just the
   currently connected network name).

ConnMan only manages internet contexts.

 - When actually connecting from connman (or activating a context using
   the ofono test/activate-context script), the reported errors are very
   unclear. I only got a "Not implemented" error, which is very
   non-descriptive and, looking at the code, is returned in quite some
   different places. There's also nothing in the log to indicate what
   went wrong.
   The activation error in my case was due to a missing tun kernel
   module, I submitted a separate patch for that.

Missing tun support in the kernel is reported via ofono_error inside drivers/atmodem/gprs-context.c. So you most definitely should be seeing something in the log about it.

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