
I see that great care is taken not to lose outgoing message: "
Persisting of outgoing SMS messages.  Whenever oFono is asked to send
an SMS message, it adds it to an internal queue and persists it on
disk.  The queue is persistent across reboots of oFono and allows to
queue SMS messages even while the modem is offline."

Is there something similar possible for incoming messages? I really
hate losing those... Best think would be if

a) SMS comes from the modem

b) ofono sends the SMS over the dbus

c) application writes it to stable storage, and confirms that back on

d) ofono confirms reception of SMS to the modem.

e) modem confirms it to the network.

If something goes wrong, network will retransmit message and it will
be delivered on the next boot.

(Other schemes would work for me, too...)


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