
I'd like for my device to automatically connect to 3G data in roaming wherever the GSM network permits it. I'd very much like to set this up as default during manufacturing regardless of the SIM inserted. ofono version 1.21 (debian buster).

I can tell ofono to enable roaming manually - either via the config file (e.g. /var/lib/ofono/248030010014875/gprs) or dbus interface (e.g. dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.ofono /quectel_0 org.ofono.ConnectionManager.SetProperty string:"RoamingAllowed" variant:boolean:true), but it does not seem to be stored persistently. After a reboot ofono has disabled roaming again and the config file holds "RoamingAllowed=0".

So my questions are:
1. can I set up ofono to always permit data connections in roaming?
2. if not, can I at least store RoamingAllowed persistently per SIM card?

As context: working on a 3G-equipped gateway device, factory-installed with a roaming-enabled SIM card and typically shipped to a foreign country (mostly within EU where data roaming incurs no penalty). It's rather desirable that 3G comes online without requiring any setup whatsoever once the gateway is powered on in destination country.

Kind regards
Tarmo Kuuse
ofono mailing list

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