Hi Pavel,

On 8/10/19 6:14 PM, Pavel Machek wrote:

Motorola Droid 4 runs packet protocol over serial... and its kernel
driver requires explicit "write()" boundaries at places where packet
boundaries should be.

So I can send SMS using low level g_at... functions (that are not
normally accessible), but not using g_at_chat_send().

If anyone has good idea for clean (or clean enough) solution, let me

Best regards,

    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "AT+GCMGS=\r");
    encode_hex_own_buf(pdu, pdu_len, 0, buf_pdu);

So speaking from memory, but 27.005 expects CMGS to be a two part command. First you send AT+CMGS=<whatever> and the modem then prompts for the PDU using '>'. Then we provide the PDU followed by Ctrl-Z. If the Motorola modem doesn't do this, then you're stuck providing a full Motorola-Hacked-AT-Commands implementation of your own.

You can try hacking GAtChat to add a bunch of behavior-modifications like this, but I imagine that this protocol is different enough where such changes become a nightmare to keep track of.

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