On 8/15/19 2:45 PM, JH wrote:
Well, the log _seemed_ to indicate that connman does an NTP request to a
server that isn't available and thereby decides to take the link down...
off the top of my head I can't say whether that's something connman
actually does so hopefully somebody else will jump in here.  Did ofono
indicate the context as still established after that?

That seems critical, every time when the link down, connman called:

connmand[213]: Time request for server failed
(101/Network is unreachable)

The NTP code is just telling it can't reach the server. This has no direct connenction to the next entry.

Then deleted the link IP address to cause the link down:
connmand[213]: wwan0 {del} address label wwan0

This message is from the kernel via RTNL interface. The kernel tells ConnMan the interface state has changed.

connmand[213]: Skipping disconnect of /ubloxqmi_0/context1, network is
connmand[213]: ipconfig state 2 ipconfig method 1

and the above is then the cause of the RTNL message.

Seeing the issue with complete logs would be useful.  I thought your
previous logs indicated connman trying to deactivate the context when it
took the link down, but the ofono logs didn't show any of that... what's
going on there?

The full connman log file attached, there was no information for ofono
log files. I don't think that ofono was aware of that connman deleted
the IP address from the LTE link, I cannot understand why the connman
did it. Anyway, I'll try to debug and to generate ofono log again.

Your log does not contain the debug information (connmand -d).
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