Hi Jonah,

No top posting please :)

On 11/7/19 4:26 AM, Jonah Brüchert wrote:
Hi Denis,

Thank you very much for applying the patches!

As mentioned earlier I have worked on a few additional commits to
completely replace all deprecated Qt APIs.

This is not strictly required until Qt6 is released, but will basically
allow to run on Qt6 right when it's released with just a few build
system changes.

If you are interested, just let me know when you have time to review
those as adding those patches is obviously not urgent.

Go ahead and send these in.

In addition I added a cmake build system which allowed me to work with
Qt's QtCreator IDE, but I can very well understand if you don't want to
switch the build system and would leave that patch out.

I'm not really in charge of the build system. That is Marcel you'd need to convince. He doesn't much like cmake though.

I pushed the patches to KDE's GitLab instance
https://invent.kde.org/jbbgameich/ofono-phonesim/commits/master for now,
but would of course send them to the mailing list for review later.

Having them on the list would be good.

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