Hi Sergei,

On 12/30/20 4:00 AM, Sergei Golubtsov wrote:
Hello Denis,

 > Are the username and password set properly on the context?

Yes, they are.
root@131D2F4C5254324B:~# /usr/lib/ofono/test/list-contexts
[ /quectel_0 ]
     [ /quectel_0/context1 ]
         Name = Россия
         Active = 0
         Type = internet
         Protocol = ip
         AccessPointName = internet
         Username = gdata
         Password = gdata
         AuthenticationMethod = pap
         Settings = { }
         IPv6.Settings = { }

     [ /quectel_0/context2 ]
         Name = МегаФон MMS
         Active = 0
         Type = mms
         Protocol = ip
         AccessPointName = mms
         Username = mms
         Password = mms
         AuthenticationMethod = pap
         MessageProxy = <>
         MessageCenter = http://mmsc:8002
         Settings = { }
         IPv6.Settings = { }

Looks fine...

> And you may want to share the log of oFono activating the context configured for PAP.

I have added the PAP context activation log file from ofono to this email as well as I did in the previous email. Please find it attached. It also fails at

It wasn't clear whether the previous log was pap or chap. With chap the PPP implementation would stop and wait for the chap challenge. So if that never comes, that would explain why you get stuck just after entering phase '2' -> PHASE_AUTHENTICATION

the same phase: "gatppp.c:ppp_enter_phase() 2"
Probably I need to try to dump the ppp connection and analyze it with WireShark. Any ideas will be appreciated.

Never tried this myself, but I never really had a reason to. Not sure if there is an easy way of doing that given you're running over a MUX. If you come up with a nice way, please share.

Maybe put a few debug statements in ppp_auth.c, ppp_pap_start, ppp_pap_timeout and ppp_pap_process_packet. See if PAP even occurs.

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