At 12:06 -0400 7/18/03, Damian wrote:
They have not. The updated SRD goes live on midnight, July 24.

Dammit!, that doesn't help me at all. Didn't they originally say they would go live the same day the books hit shelves, same as the D20MSRD?--I was counting on incorporating a couple of bits into a game system i'm polishing this weekend to run at GenCon. Oh well--it's not like it's important. This'll be, at best, a rough version, just good enough to get through the convention games, anyway. I'd just heard rumors that some of the bits were actually better in the new version. If they are, i've got months to incorporate them for real. And i'm still digesting the Anime d20 SRD.
woodelf <*>

"So Giles, got anything that can make this day any worse?" "How about
the end of the world?" "Knew I could count on you."  --Buffy and Giles
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