At 17:08 -0700 7/21/03, Fred wrote:
--- woodelf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 At 10:25 -0400 7/21/03, William Wise wrote:
 >Tell them it works like Linux...

 ...except a Linux where anybody can develop anything they want,
 except a new TCP/IP stack, and no matter what you do or how good it
 is, your changes will never be reincorporated into new Linux builds.

Think so? Take a look in some of the recent Dragon magazines, where they've published OGC content. That's now available to a HUGE number of games.

it's still not being incorporated into "the kernel". not saying it never will, but until WotC decides to take all that cool OGC floating around out there and make the next version of D&D the latest, cutting-edge game they can, using the very best ideas out there, D&D itself isn't directly benefitting from open-source development. Indirectly, sure, from the whole "network externalities" thing. But not from the "many monkeys" thing.

and since WotC doesn't own Dragon any more, it's even less like reworking the core stuff than it would've been had a WotC-owned Dragon published unofficial game stuff.
woodelf <*>

The Laws of Anime <>:
#8 Second Law of Temporal Mortality
It takes some time for bad guys to die... regardless of physical damage.
Even when the 'Bad Guys' are killed so quickly they didn't even see it
coming, it takes them a while to realize they are dead. This is
attributed to the belief that being evil damages the Reality Lobe of the
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