On Sun, 11 Apr 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> My concern is that I've 
> been told any number of times on this list that rules, etc. can't be PI'd and 
> that every major publisher agrees.  They clearly don't.

I doubt that you've ever heard a major publisher say on this list that
he believes that no rules can be PIed or Closed.

You *might* have heard one say that any rule that is derivative (as
per Section 1 (b) of the OGL) of previously released Open Content
that he Uses (as per Section 1 (g) of the OGL) cannot be closed or

If a publisher feels that his rule is not derivative of previously
released OGC that he Uses in his book (e.g., the Power Points rules
in Mutants & Masterminds, which aren't based on any equivalent rules
in the SRD since there are no equivalent rules in the SRD) then he
will have the choice of releasing it as Open Content or closing/PIing

Spike Y Jones

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