tisdag 01 juni 2004 15:49 skrev DarkTouch:
> Personally,
> If I were you then I'd just give up. Don't even bother releasing anything
> using the OGL in Sweden. I'm not a lawyer but honestly, if you're at a
> point where you are analyzing the use of semi-colons then it is time to
> suck it up and realize the license is just not for you.
> I've only ever released something small time... but that is more than
> enough to know that the license does what it needs to do for the very
> basics. In other words, if you are using it the way it was intended to do.
> The weird stuff you try to do with it, the less valid it becomes and the
> more the discussion shifts into the hypothetical.

Punctuation, clarity of language and grammatical quality all taken together 
affects the overall assessment of an legal document. I wanted to know how you 
native English speaking people assessed that particular point. To me it's 
just another piece of uncertainty added to the others, the others are more 
important, but having these kinds of typos doesn't look very good.

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