On 1 Mar 2005 avatar scribbled a note about Re: [OGF-L] Who can declare 
ProductIdentity (Thir:

> What I don't see is the difference between "Closed because its PI" and
> "Closed because it falls under Copyright Law". Closed is closed, you
> can't use it. Beyond that, because your 16 page PDF is a single
> 'work', the OGL covers that entire work weather you want it to or not.
> On the other hand, if it was a webpage, that single page is a document
> in and of itself and could be considered a 'work' within the whole of
> the webpage. In which case I can see only that single page being
> covered by the OGL while the rest of the website falls under normal
> copyright law.

PI is closed content WITHIN something marked as Open Game Content. 
Other content outside of that OGC declaration is not covered by the 
license, and there for normally closed as per copyright and trademark 

No, the OGL does not cover my 16 page pdf whether I want it to or 
not. It only covers what material that I declare as open content, and 
the material declared as PI (that is within the open content) and 
nothing more.

Rasyr (Tim Dugger)
 System Editor
 Iron Crown Enterprises - http://www.ironcrown.com

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